Proverbs 27

Another Corporate Misstep

2024-03-22T23:12:18-05:00April 12th, 2024|Tags: , , |

After Bud Light’s misstep of spotlighting a transgender spokesperson, you’d think that most corporations would avoid making the same mistake. But recently, Doritos headed down the same path.  Doritos Spain featured a transgender singer who supposedly had made past inflammatory and sexualized comments that were offensive to many Doritos customers. The backlash was swift as many conservative posts called for ...

Adapting to the Next Generation

2024-01-03T14:39:43-06:00January 19th, 2024|Tags: , , |

My friend, Ray, is a senior executive in a national firm that relies heavily on hiring new college graduates. Ray shared that the pay and promotion expectations of these younger workers sometimes seem unreasonable.   But since this next generation is critical to his workforce, Ray’s firm had to find solutions. By studying the problem, they came up with a creative ...

Spreading Joy

2023-05-26T10:52:45-05:00June 16th, 2023|Tags: , , |

For about a decade, I spent each Father’s Day alone. My wife and kids went to Autism week at camp each year during Father’s Day.   Kathy was a volunteer camp nurse, and my kids were campers. The dates were uncontrollable, but I still felt lonely and unappreciated at times on Father’s Day.  Finally, the year came when no one went ...

Know Your Customer

2023-05-19T12:02:26-05:00June 1st, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, Bud Light experimented and embraced the “woke” agenda in their controversial ad with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. Their decision didn’t go well for their beer sales.   Considering the point of advertising is to increase sales, the fact that Bud Light sales decreased over 20% for weeks afterwards, doesn’t bode well for their experiment.  Bud Light should have known their ...

Preparing for the Storm: Part II

2022-06-29T13:29:51-05:00July 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we’re discussing preparing for economic storms. With inflation and interest rates soaring and the stock market crumbling, the storm clouds appear to be rolling in.   One of my favorite indexes is the National Federation of Independent Business Optimism Index. Because it’s a survey of small business owners’ perceptions, it has helped predict economic storms.   In ...

Iron Sharpens Iron

2022-06-13T14:22:38-05:00June 8th, 2022|Tags: , , |

During a break at our Summit, a group of five of us were discussing my friend, Sean’s, new book. Although he had a proposed subtitle, he doubted it was compelling enough. So, Sean asked this group for their input.   Each of the five people were authors and had experience with subtitles. This group was a perfect group to provide ...

Deep Fakes

2022-01-01T14:54:45-06:00November 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Imagine discovering a video of yourself saying horrible things that could easily destroy your reputation and your business while knowing it’s not you. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence now makes it possible for your enemies or competitors to be able to produce what is called a “deep fake” video. Recently, a TikTok video of Dolly Parton went viral, then was abruptly shut ...

Five Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: Loving Accountability

2021-10-18T14:46:20-05:00September 10th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we are looking at five traits common to successful entrepreneurs. Today’s trait is Loving Accountability. Holding ourselves and our partners accountable is essential in launching a startup business. Successful entrepreneurs constantly monitor progress towards the goal, identify shortcomings and demand action to address root causes. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love. The unconventional ...

Inflation Proofing Your Business: Part IV

2022-04-22T20:35:51-05:00June 10th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing how to inflation proof your business. When expenses increase due to inflation, your net profit will be negatively impacted unless you increase revenue. In my experience, small businesses are more reluctant to implement price increases than most large businesses. There is certainly reason for concern, but price increases are usually less traumatic than most realize. ...

Business Proverbs: Day 27 – The Benefit of Workplace Loyalty

2022-04-23T00:18:31-05:00May 27th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

When my father was discharged from military service, he needed a job. Dad didn’t have a high school degree, so when he had an opportunity to work at General Motors, he leaped at the opportunity. 30 years later, my dad retired from that same job. Over those years you couldn’t find a more loyal employee to General Motors. My father ...

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