Seeking Counsel

Religious Freedom in Conflict

2023-07-24T17:12:11-05:00August 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Lorie Smith is a web designer in Colorado who recently won a Supreme Court victory. The underlying issue, in this case, was the conflict between religious freedom and gay rights, specifically, which one has precedence?  In the case of Lorie Smith, the court determined that her religious freedom should prevail, because she was being asked to promote a message her ...

Land Mines

2023-05-21T11:24:36-05:00June 9th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As I marvel at how radically different America’s culture has become, I’m concerned for the small business owners. Common sense decisions, like not allowing a man in a girl’s bathroom, can get you sued or destroyed in today’s world.   It reminds me of a war movie where the soldiers are at the edge of a field full of land mines. ...

Involving God

2023-04-15T11:24:58-05:00April 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

My friend, Russ McGuire, recently had a client ask him, “How do I involve God in my business?” This is a big and important question. There is no single answer that will work for everyone and every business.    If you earnestly seek to involve God in your business, it will require prayer, time in His Word, and fellowship with ...

Test the Predictors

2023-03-03T15:50:04-06:00March 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In 1968, Paul Ehrlich’s book, “The Population Bomb,” proclaimed that overpopulation was going to cause a worldwide famine. Ehrlich wrote, “By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth’s population to an acceptable level, like 1.5 million people.”   His urgings of mandatory population control encouraged one child policies and abortions. Despite Ehrlich’s flawed predictions, “60 Minutes” recently ...

Constructive Criticism

2023-04-02T16:07:04-05:00September 21st, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, I observed a former CEO struggle as he gave a speech to a business audience. Brad’s presentation style distracted from his message because of his dependence upon his notes.  Afterwards, I sensed that Brad sincerely wanted to improve his speaking skills. Although it’s risky to offer up unsolicited advice, I offered a few tips that would enhance his ...

A Poor Choice

2023-02-18T15:51:03-06:00August 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

King Rehoboam had his first big test after becoming king. Towards the end of King Solomon’s reign, the people of Israel had been heavily oppressed by Rehoboam’s father, Solomon.   The Israelites requested that King Rehoboam have mercy on them and lighten their load.   Rehoboam needed wise counsel. But instead of relying on Solomon’s older and wiser counselors, Rehoboam chose ...

Iron Sharpens Iron

2022-06-13T14:22:38-05:00June 8th, 2022|Tags: , , |

During a break at our Summit, a group of five of us were discussing my friend, Sean’s, new book. Although he had a proposed subtitle, he doubted it was compelling enough. So, Sean asked this group for their input.   Each of the five people were authors and had experience with subtitles. This group was a perfect group to provide ...

Daylight Savings Time Debate

2022-03-30T19:58:47-05:00March 14th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In 1916, Germany and parts of Canada concluded that Daylight Savings Time would conserve energy. Since that time Daylight Savings Time benefits have been greatly debated. Some countries embrace the concept, while others despise it.   There are some problems that have indisputable fact-based solutions. There are other problems, however, where the facts are debatable. It appears that Daylight Savings Time ...


2021-10-20T13:46:51-05:00September 1st, 2021|Tags: , , |

Do you ever pause to consider other people’s perception of your leadership style, your personality, or your behaviors? One challenging area of leadership is self-awareness. Sometimes for me, self-awareness comes through my wife. She can point out things about me, and how others receive me, that may not be easy to hear, but are necessary. For example, sometimes my unemotional ...


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