Relationship Building

The Need for Self-Awareness

2024-03-01T08:37:21-06:00March 7th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Leadership expert, Holly Moore, shared with me that one of the ways to improve team communication is for us individually to become more self-aware. When we speak, for us it naturally feels like we communicated clearly and properly.   But that is not always the case for those on the receiving end.   Holly recommends that it can be valuable to periodically ...

Meaningful Conversation

2024-01-26T22:07:12-06:00October 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

We recently hosted a local networking event. One of our guests stopped me and shared how encouraged they were by our networking because it gave them an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with like-minded business leaders.  According to our guest, many networking events feel shallow and function mainly to sell products or services. Our networking events tend to create ...

A Poor Start

2023-04-30T10:04:22-05:00May 18th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Many years ago, I served on a board that welcomed Carl to his first meeting as a new board member. Rob, an existing board member, started joking and jabbing some sharp comments at Carl, even though they had never met before.  Although that was not uncommon for Rob, his banter was rarely that harsh. The meeting ended with awkward feelings ...

Advancing the Cause Together

2023-03-17T13:16:32-05:00April 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

The advertising campaign for He Gets Us, which you may have seen during the recent Super Bowl, began here in Kansas City. The vision of this campaign is to make Jesus the predominant brand in the media.  The key organizations partnering on this project have a huge vision of changing 30 million people’s view of Jesus. Fortunately, they realize ...

Making Peace

2023-03-03T18:29:41-06:00March 23rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I received a call from a peer whom I had not heard from in years. He quickly launched into a rant of anger against an email I had written to others that he received secondhand.   He misunderstood the facts resulting in anger and frustration on both our parts. Later, God reminded me of times my brother and I would ...

Getting Even

2023-01-27T16:15:59-06:00February 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

If you’ve ever been hurt or disrespected by a peer at work, your feelings can be deeply hurt. Out of this hurt, many people seek revenge.  A different approach is how David handled Saul’s attacks. Even though David had been a faithful servant to Saul, Saul became jealous and continually worked to kill David.   David eventually found Saul unprotected. Rather ...

Five Steps to Fruitful Networking: Part V

2022-04-04T15:14:48-05:00April 29th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about five steps to fruitful networking. The final step is Meeting the Needs of Others.  As you meet with people, recognize that everyone has needs. This requires seeking to understand your new friends and then, listening carefully for their biggest concerns.   My bride, Kathy, can quickly uncover a new friend’s deepest wound or recent concern. ...

Five Steps to Fruitful Networking: Part IV

2022-04-04T15:11:53-05:00April 28th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series we’re talking about five steps to fruitful networking. The fourth step is to Be Curious.  My sociable wife, Kathy, has been a big help to me in this area. She is naturally curious about people and is a master of asking questions to learn more about whomever she meets.  She has taught me to find out about ...

Five Steps to Fruitful Networking: Part III

2022-04-04T15:09:13-05:00April 27th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

The third step to fruitful networking is Being Relational. If you’ve been to very many networking opportunities, you have likely met the people who are more transactional in nature.   They are the ones who are slinging cards to anyone who will take one and seizing every opportunity to promote their services. You won’t typically see them quietly talking with someone ...

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