Customer Relations

International Opportunities

2024-05-03T21:05:53-05:00May 31st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Prior to Covid, large businesses had a competitive advantage over many small businesses by outsourcing work to China or India. Smaller businesses, however, were usually limited in their pool of labor to their local communities.  During Covid, as remote work became more common, the online labor pool expanded. I have friends who have since outsourced marketing functions to the Philippines ...

Another Corporate Misstep

2024-03-22T23:12:18-05:00April 12th, 2024|Tags: , , |

After Bud Light’s misstep of spotlighting a transgender spokesperson, you’d think that most corporations would avoid making the same mistake. But recently, Doritos headed down the same path.  Doritos Spain featured a transgender singer who supposedly had made past inflammatory and sexualized comments that were offensive to many Doritos customers. The backlash was swift as many conservative posts called for ...

Most Trusted Institution: Small Business

2024-03-01T19:44:43-06:00March 12th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Surprisingly, there’s one thing Republicans and Democrats agreed on recently; the impact small businesses have on America. When research firm, Gallup, asked about which institutions have the greatest positive impact on American society, small businesses won hands down.  85% of survey respondents named small business as having the most positive impact on society, beating out churches, the military, and large ...

Focus on the Root

2023-11-25T14:08:20-06:00December 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Rick is an entrepreneur in Arizona who struggled in business for years. Then God took Rick through a significant health challenge that drove him to rely on God more than ever before.   Upon recovery, Rick decided to apply that same reliance on God for his business as well. When he did, God revealed that the root of sales and profitability ...

Branding Dilution

2023-05-26T14:47:59-05:00June 19th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In our changing culture, there are growing risks for the brands of our small businesses. When someone sees our brand images, they tie it to whatever messaging is attached.  Recently, someone emailed me from an organization I was involved with decades ago. The signature line in her email had her name, title, then under her title it said, “she/her/hers,” then, ...

Fair Pricing During Unfair Times

2023-02-11T10:24:37-06:00July 22nd, 2022|Tags: , , , |

My friend owns a chain of car dealerships. Due to the chip shortage, getting cars to sell has been a challenge.   However, the limited supply has caused car prices to skyrocket. My friend’s peers are selling cars far above sticker price.   As his team discussed this opportunity, they decided to take a longer-term view. In fairness to their local ...

Dashed Expectations

2023-02-10T21:41:32-06:00July 20th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

Kathy and I were visiting a new city and wanted to experience local food. The hotel concierge recommended and called a restaurant for reservations.  At first, the restaurant refused to take our reservation. Our concierge pressed on until we were finally promised a reservation at precisely 6:45, not earlier or later.   The next night we were excited to try ...

Preparing for the Storm: Part II

2022-06-29T13:29:51-05:00July 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we’re discussing preparing for economic storms. With inflation and interest rates soaring and the stock market crumbling, the storm clouds appear to be rolling in.   One of my favorite indexes is the National Federation of Independent Business Optimism Index. Because it’s a survey of small business owners’ perceptions, it has helped predict economic storms.   In ...

Small Business Advantages: Part V

2022-04-01T20:55:33-05:00March 25th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’ve been discussing advantages for small businesses. Our fifth and final advantage is local products and services.  For example, in Kansas City, many companies have tried to identify their brand with the Kansas City Chiefs football team. People are often fond of their hometown.   If potential customers feel you are part of their community, rather than outsiders ...

Small Business Advantages: Part IV

2022-04-01T20:48:47-05:00March 24th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’ve been discussing the advantages of small businesses. The fourth advantage is personalized service.   Commercial lending to small businesses used to be a personalized service. Then, large national banks began looking for ways to make small business loans more profitable.   This led to decisions and loans being made by people who never met the customer.   Jesus emphasized ...

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