Ephesians 2

Five Considerations Before Closing a Business: Part III

2024-01-20T10:20:53-06:00February 7th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Deciding to close a business is a tough decision. One factor that needs consideration is your talent.   When I was twenty-five, I was a CPA and talented at financial management. But in the pursuit of money and becoming an entrepreneur, I launched a used car rental agency.   One winter day, with temperatures below zero, few of my cars would start. ...

Purpose and Calling: Part IV

2024-01-03T12:49:21-06:00January 11th, 2024|Tags: , , |

We all have a purpose to glorify God and God has a calling for each of us personally. You may be struggling, however, to determine your calling.  It’s important to realize that calling comes in stages. God had to prepare Moses to lead the Israelites by allowing him to tend sheep in the desert for 40 years.  Likewise, you may ...

From Priesthood to Housing

2023-10-21T19:36:05-05:00November 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Jason Ballard was preparing to become an Episcopal priest when he found himself confronted with housing issues that needed solutions. Looking for answers, he met with his local Bishop.   Jason was surprised when his Bishop encouraged him to build houses instead of becoming a priest. Jason’s calling has resulted in him being featured on 60 Minutes as the first person ...

A Proactive God

2023-05-21T11:10:42-05:00June 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Howard runs a medical missions and health care facility. Recently, Howard’s organization was able to purchase a building they needed at far below market value.  As the purchase was being completed, Howard thought, “We don’t have any furniture to fill all of this new space.” Hours later, Howard received a call from an employee. She said, “Someone just called to ...

Mattering at Work

2022-12-26T11:52:43-06:00January 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When each employee feels like their role in the company matters and that their work helps advance the mission of the organization, tremendous benefits are unleashed.  A 2021 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, asked participants to rank their answers to five questions related to how much they believed their work mattered. The researcher’s conclusion was that mattering ...

Preparation For Later

2022-12-02T12:13:45-06:00December 2nd, 2022|Tags: , , |

Former Southwest airline pilot, Tammie Jo Shults, was constantly told that women had no business being pilots. She persevered, but was disappointed when a new commander forced her to take over the least desired trainer position.   Tammie was assigned to train people on how to handle stalled planes. Daily, she practiced and trained others on what to do when a ...

The Importance of Engagement

2022-04-16T11:03:26-05:00July 6th, 2021|Tags: , , |

According to Businessinsider.com, Amazon hired over 350,000 people from July to October of 2020. In fact, though, most of those workers left after just “days or weeks.” Amazon is now concerned that their growth and turnover could reach a point where they struggle to find people who haven’t already worked with them before. My suspicion is most of these people ...

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