Employee Recognition

Honor One Another

2023-11-02T20:17:55-05:00November 20th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Like any leader, there are times when disputes have broken out amongst my team, forcing me to referee conflict. It’s during those times that I try to encourage each team member to show respect to their peers.  But as I was recently reading a passage in Romans, I realized the bar may need to be higher than just respecting each ...

Building an Effective Team: Part IV

2023-06-03T14:16:55-05:00June 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When I was in public accounting, Wyatt was the least respected partner in the firm due to his inferior accounting skills. But he effectively recruited new clients, so Wyatt kept getting promoted.  Sometimes there was jealousy from the other partners and staff. Their accounting help on Wyatt’s clients often went unrecognized.  1 Corinthians 12:24 teaches, “But God has put the ...

Empowering Others

2022-03-28T14:31:16-05:00March 3rd, 2022|Tags: , , |

When I was a young banker, I worked in a very controlled environment with strict lending limits. My individual loan authority was only $15,000.   When I switched banks one of my first questions was the size of my loan authority. When my new boss said I could make loans up to $250,000, I was stunned.   Over time I learned to ...

The Importance of Engagement

2022-04-16T11:03:26-05:00July 6th, 2021|Tags: , , |

According to Businessinsider.com, Amazon hired over 350,000 people from July to October of 2020. In fact, though, most of those workers left after just “days or weeks.” Amazon is now concerned that their growth and turnover could reach a point where they struggle to find people who haven’t already worked with them before. My suspicion is most of these people ...

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