Company Values

Meeting Your Team Member’s Needs: Part II

2023-10-21T16:36:42-05:00November 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

At a recent conference, Stephen Phelan, Movement Mortgage’s Chief Pastoral Officer, shared three common employee needs within the workplace. Let’s address the second need - having friends during a crisis.   As an employer, you have the best opportunity to show that you are a friend that cares during an employee’s family, financial, or medical crisis.  A friend of mine had ...

All About Attitude

2023-10-15T00:30:31-05:00October 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

One of my favorite quotes is from Chuck Swindoll about attitudes. He says, “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”   The workplace has both optimists and pessimists, but the ones who seem to shine are optimists. These are the people who see opportunities during trying situations, while the pessimists ...

Three Keys To a Winning Culture: Aspire

2023-08-26T15:31:13-05:00September 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Former Chick-fil-a executive, Mark Miller, discovered three words to help any organization build a stronger culture. The first word Mark emphasized was Aspire.   You need to paint a picture for your team of what culture you aspire to for your organization.   Mark shared that Truett Cathy told the same customer service stories to each group because he wanted to consistently ...

Infecting the Culture

2023-08-04T14:46:39-05:00August 22nd, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Have you ever changed jobs, suddenly immersed into a new culture? Did you infect it with your values, or did they infect you? The Prophet Daniel, as a teenager, was captured and injected into Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel and his friends indoctrinated into the Babylonian culture, so they were placed in an ancient management training program. The king’s plan ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part VII

2023-07-28T11:46:07-05:00August 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The final practice recommended is to support interfaith employee resource groups (ERGs).  According to the REDI Index, only 8.6% of Fortune 500 companies report having faith-oriented ERGs. TFactor and others are encouraging significant growth in this area, ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part III

2023-07-28T10:04:24-05:00August 9th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides reasons and seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The third practice highlighted was to develop religious literacy within your organization.  As our society becomes more diverse in religious beliefs, even smaller businesses can have many different faiths represented in their workplace. Team ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part I

2023-07-24T17:25:37-05:00August 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides reasons and seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. Seventy-seven percent of Americans claim that religion is important to their lives, yet in many workplaces, the subject is taboo.  The first practice this article recommends is to change your attitude from, religion is a ...

Debanking: A Dangerous Trend

2023-07-07T15:53:48-05:00July 19th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Former Senator Sam Brownback learned the hard way about debanking after opening a bank account for his organization, National Committee for Religious Freedom. The bank closed his account because of its religious nature.   Debanking is when a bank closes someone’s account, due to factors that they believe are risky. It has become more common for banks to debank organizations due ...

Burnout Epidemic: Part VII

2023-07-07T15:28:28-05:00July 18th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Harvard Business Review discovered six key reasons behind the growing level of manager burnout. The final reason behind burnout is mismatched values and skills.  A friend of mine took a job once for a company that he had heard was unethical. But, due to the fact he had been unemployed for over a year he accepted the position out of ...

Declining Values

2023-04-29T20:13:10-05:00May 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Wall Street Journal-NORC poll finds that what used to be core values for most Americans have declined dramatically. Over the last 25 years, this poll has tracked American views on patriotism, religion, having children, community involvement, and money.  Each of these values in 2019, except money, were held by the majority of the population. Unfortunately, each of these values ...

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