Vocational Calling

Purpose and Profit

2024-03-28T23:01:29-05:00April 18th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In a Wall Street Journal editorial, Andy Kessler complains that our younger generations are looking so hard for purpose in their work, that they sometimes overlook the actual work that needs done. His article reminded me of an old adage, “You are so heavenly minded, that you are no earthly good.”  Personally, I believe that God does have a purpose ...

Rickey Hill’s Calling

2024-03-11T11:23:45-05:00March 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the movie, The Hill, Rickey Hill tries to convince his father that he can glorify God by playing baseball. Rickey’s father, as a pastor, seemed to believe that the only real calling was being a pastor.  Rickey Hill overcame significant bone and spinal cord problems to become a professional baseball player with the Montreal Expos. Sadly, Rickey’s father never ...

Five Considerations Before Closing a Business: Part III

2024-01-20T10:20:53-06:00February 7th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Deciding to close a business is a tough decision. One factor that needs consideration is your talent.   When I was twenty-five, I was a CPA and talented at financial management. But in the pursuit of money and becoming an entrepreneur, I launched a used car rental agency.   One winter day, with temperatures below zero, few of my cars would start. ...

George Washington Carver’s Calling

2024-01-19T22:33:11-06:00February 1st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Born into slavery, at ten years old George Washington Carver kneeled in a barn and prayed to receive Jesus. Shortly after, George had a divine encounter with Mariah Watkins.   Ms.Watkins told George, “You must learn all you can, then go back out into the world and give your learning back to the people.” Her advice led to George Carver’s ...

Business vs Ministry

2024-01-06T18:47:11-06:00January 29th, 2024|Tags: , , |

When my friend, Philip, graduated with a business degree, he wrestled with how his faith should impact his career. At the time, Philip believed that making significant money conflicted with being a good Christian.  Philip decided to pursue ministry. When Philip shared his decision with a ministry leader, he was surprised by his friend’s response.   Philip’s friend believed that making ...

From Priesthood to Housing

2023-10-21T19:36:05-05:00November 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Jason Ballard was preparing to become an Episcopal priest when he found himself confronted with housing issues that needed solutions. Looking for answers, he met with his local Bishop.   Jason was surprised when his Bishop encouraged him to build houses instead of becoming a priest. Jason’s calling has resulted in him being featured on 60 Minutes as the first person ...

A Clean Slate

2023-12-31T11:04:29-06:00January 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

Most businesses have a December 31st year end. That means many people just tallied last year’s results. It’s likely some of you are glad to have last year behind you. While others, who had a good year, are now wondering how to perform even better this coming year.  Some people like dwelling on the past, while others like looking toward ...

The Path to 80%: Part 2

2022-03-18T12:23:26-05:00January 25th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Terry Looper, author of Sacred Pace, says that “If we work 80% of our time in our areas of giftedness, we will experience more joy and success.” The first step towards working in our areas of giftedness is to discover your workplace gifts. Attempt to narrow the field to 3 to 5 gifts. Begin by identifying the tasks and jobs ...

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