
Indirect Influence

2024-06-21T08:47:06-05:00July 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Years ago, Jerry was working on building a Christian retreat center near my cousin, Linda. Linda recently informed me that during the retreat center’s planning stage, she rallied people against this project.  Eventually, Jerry presented his case to the community, but the community was skeptical. During that meeting, however, Jerry referenced a passage from my book.   When my cousin heard ...

Your Choice of Word

2024-06-20T19:17:10-05:00July 8th, 2024|Tags: , , |

If you ever doubt the power of words, watch a few of President Ronald Reagan’s speeches. Reagan’s charm in front of a camera, in part, made him a great President.   He had a way of telling stories with the right amount of truth and humor to rally people to follow him.  Columnist, Peggy Noonan, who worked for President Reagan, claims ...

Words Can Destroy

2024-06-20T18:21:28-05:00July 1st, 2024|Tags: , , |

As we watch the presidential debates, the destructive power of an impulsive statement or speaking the wrong words becomes more evident. The more you are in the public eye, the more words matter.  Likewise, for business leaders who are often required to speak at team gatherings or public events, the choice of words can quickly destroy morale or people’s image ...

Business Wisdom from James: Part VIII

2024-05-30T19:21:47-05:00June 19th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A friend of mine was considering some speaking engagement opportunities to teach potential business prospects about his consulting niche. But my friend rarely teaches publicly, and when he does, unfortunately, he struggles to hold people’s attention.   Many professionals build their business by writing books and teaching to generate leads. But not all people are gifted teachers.  Some people speak without ...

Business Wisdom from James: Part IV

2024-05-28T10:00:41-05:00June 13th, 2024|Tags: , , |

When we host our Summit conferences, our hope is to change lives and to transform workplaces. Many people in attendance will hear great ideas, some will take notes, but I suspect only a few implement the ideas.  Those who do implement, however, experience great benefits, according to our surveys!  James 1:22 says, “But be doers of the word and not hearers ...

Anxiety Abounds

2024-04-26T19:23:31-05:00May 13th, 2024|Tags: , , |

According to an Anxiety Disorders Association of America survey, while only 9% of individuals are living with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, 40% experience ongoing stress or anxiety in their daily lives. The workplace is overflowing with people stressed and anxious.  Anxiety takes a toll on productivity, the level of healthy team interactions, and the rate of absenteeism. For employers, this study highlights the ...

Mother’s Day Work Clubs

2024-04-26T19:28:32-05:00May 10th, 2024|Tags: , , |

The creation of Mother’s Day was Ann Jarvis’ idea. According to the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, Ann Jarvis was a pastor’s wife who put her faith into action by organizing Mother’s Day Work Clubs. These clubs inspired women to care for wounded soldiers during the Civil War, regardless of which side they served.   Mrs. Jarvis’ amazing ...

Training Priorities

2024-03-29T00:20:35-05:00April 29th, 2024|Tags: , , |

The Kansas City Business Journal highlighted that one way to help enhance our workforce is by upskilling existing workers. The Business Journal also discussed a study that discovered that 64% of respondents said they work with at least one under-skilled colleague.   Training should always be a priority, but our failed education system is revealing an even greater need. Regardless, there ...

The Benefit of Diligence

2024-03-28T23:29:48-05:00April 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

At 7:30 am there was a loud knock on our front door. We had scheduled an 8:00 start to have our carpet replaced, but when I opened the door, three men charged in ready to work.  The man in charge began directing his guys with an urgency I hadn’t seen in some time. Twenty minutes later, I marveled at what ...

England’s Embrace of Faith and Work

2024-03-28T22:42:56-05:00April 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |

The Church of England’s Synod recently declared that they “affirm the dignity and value of purposeful work, whether paid or unpaid, as a significant component of human flourishing.”  In addition, the Synod recognized the value of the Bible by affirming, “to look at Biblical wisdom on work, employment and economy in its widest sense; and to consider a range of ...

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