Trusting God

Meaningful Conversation

2024-01-26T22:07:12-06:00October 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

We recently hosted a local networking event. One of our guests stopped me and shared how encouraged they were by our networking because it gave them an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with like-minded business leaders.  According to our guest, many networking events feel shallow and function mainly to sell products or services. Our networking events tend to create ...

Being Content Regardless

2023-09-16T18:47:55-05:00September 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Years ago, when I experienced dry spells in business, I found myself anxious about the lack of cash flow. When you’re wondering how you’re going to cover payroll, life can be very stressful.   In the story of Job, we see an amazing response to the most terrible of circumstances.  After Job lost all his children and all his possessions, his ...

No Win Conflict

2023-05-27T09:44:07-05:00June 23rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

Paul owns a chain of restaurants. Recently, one of his female employees declared herself a man.   Recently, this employee entered the men’s bathroom. A male customer in the bathroom was shocked and forced this employee to leave the bathroom.   This customer, then, filed a complaint with the restaurant. The employee also filed a complaint against the restaurant claiming sexual harassment.  ...

A Proactive God

2023-05-21T11:10:42-05:00June 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Howard runs a medical missions and health care facility. Recently, Howard’s organization was able to purchase a building they needed at far below market value.  As the purchase was being completed, Howard thought, “We don’t have any furniture to fill all of this new space.” Hours later, Howard received a call from an employee. She said, “Someone just called to ...

Listening to God

2023-03-03T16:50:07-06:00March 23rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

Richard Blackaby shares about a businessman who was frustrated that God had been silent when he sought wisdom about a new job. This man claimed he accepted the job because he didn’t hear from God. It was a terrible decision.  Richard began probing, “What did your wife think about the job?” “Oh, she never liked the idea,” he said.   Richard ...

St. Patrick’s Work

2023-03-03T16:07:55-06:00March 17th, 2023|Tags: , , |

At 16 years old, Patrick was abducted from Britain and forced to become a shepherd in Ireland. It was during his time of isolation in tending sheep that his prayers resulted in his conversion to follow Jesus.  Eventually, Patrick escaped and returned to Britain. But then, through a dream, God called Patrick to return to Ireland to bring them the ...

Rational or Faithful?

2023-01-28T12:39:17-06:00February 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As I stared at three different proposals, I was tempted to dismiss the most respected firm because of price. Rationally, I didn’t want to spend that much money. Then I remembered the most important factor; who did God want me to use? If God desired me to use the most expensive vendor I needed to trust that He could make ...

God’s Generous Response

2023-02-17T21:14:46-06:00February 17th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Last year, some friends of mine made a bold move. They previously tithed 10% of their company net profits to charity, but God stirred their hearts to increase giving to 10% of their gross revenue.  Like many steps of faith, God will test your commitment. After my friends made their pledge to change their giving, they lost their biggest ...

A Stubborn Heart

2022-12-30T13:03:23-06:00January 20th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In 1995, I left banking to begin ministering to business leaders. My priorities shifted. I convinced myself that putting God first meant putting the ministry first.   Eventually, I began using up our retirement funds, putting my family in a financially precarious position. Because I wasn’t listening to my family and others, God allowed me to destabilize my family’s finances.   Fortunately, ...

God Makes Things Grow

2022-12-30T12:48:07-06:00January 19th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Something I love about the events we host is the different ways God works. Pennie, one of our sponsors in Des Moines, recently shared how she had prayed and loved on her executive assistant for 15 years.  Last year, however, Pennie invited her assistant to come to an Unconventional Business Network event. At that event Pennie’s assistant received one of ...

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