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Focus on the Root

2023-11-25T14:08:20-06:00December 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Rick is an entrepreneur in Arizona who struggled in business for years. Then God took Rick through a significant health challenge that drove him to rely on God more than ever before.   Upon recovery, Rick decided to apply that same reliance on God for his business as well. When he did, God revealed that the root of sales and profitability ...

Meeting Your Team Member’s Needs: Part II

2023-10-21T16:36:42-05:00November 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

At a recent conference, Stephen Phelan, Movement Mortgage’s Chief Pastoral Officer, shared three common employee needs within the workplace. Let’s address the second need - having friends during a crisis.   As an employer, you have the best opportunity to show that you are a friend that cares during an employee’s family, financial, or medical crisis.  A friend of mine had ...

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