Proverbs 14

The Strength of an Ox

2024-05-03T20:44:12-05:00May 28th, 2024|Tags: , , |

One challenge small businesses face, who are forced to compete against larger businesses, is a lack of resources. Large companies can hire more people and invest in technology that may be hard for smaller businesses to come by.  This disadvantage requires that a small business needs to be even more selective in hiring the right people who fit the role ...

A Race to Hire

2023-01-27T17:10:10-06:00February 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Many small businesses are still trying to hire enough people to cover their workload. When you lead a small business, the frequency of hiring new employees is usually not that common.  So, when your team is overwhelmed and you feel you need to hire additional help, it’s easy to move too fast. Instead, wisely pause and think through the important ...

Embracing Transparent Pricing

2022-12-26T11:30:28-06:00January 3rd, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Airbnb recently announced a new pricing strategy. Airbnb customers have been complaining about the company’s lack of transparent pricing, so Airbnb decided to embrace a more transparent model.   If you review some past pricing studies, this is a risky, although more ethical, move. According to the Wall Street Journal, Stubhub discovered that 13% more people bought tickets when the pricing ...

Enduring Work: Part IV

2023-02-18T15:43:03-06:00October 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Bezalel was a craftsman who modeled enduring work. In this series, we’re discussing the different attributes that made Bezalel’s work so lasting.   The third attribute is intelligence. The Hebrew word for intelligence means a combination of understanding, discretion, and reason.   God gifted Bezalel with the ability to understand how to design and build furnishings. God gives each of us ...

The Enemies of Trust: Part II

2022-02-19T11:45:09-06:00November 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

In this series, we’re highlighting the enemies of building trust in your business. The first enemy is hyperbole. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines hyperbole as, “language that describes something as better or worse than it really is.” We all want to favorably promote our products or services, but many resort to extreme exaggerations or hyperbole. Customers are savvy enough to know the ...

Succession Planning: Part IV

2021-10-07T16:02:02-05:00September 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Years ago, a brother and sister inherited a small business when both parents died suddenly. Both siblings worked in the business, but the brother inherited control of the company. Suddenly he became the executor of the estate, the chairman of the board and the acting CEO. He had to manage three different roles while grieving the death of his parents ...

Business Proverbs: Day 14 – The Benefit of an Apology

2022-04-23T12:27:35-05:00May 14th, 2021|Tags: , , |

If you’ve ever watched the television series, NCIS, you likely remember that the main character, Jethro Gibbs, has lots of rules he expects his team to abide by. One of those rules is to “never apologize.” Every business makes mistakes occasionally, and when they do, the customer is waiting for an apology. When there is no apology, it can often ...

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