Appreciate Others

The Snares of Success: Part IV

2023-03-04T10:57:20-06:00March 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing some of the snares that can surface when a business leader begins experiencing success. The snare I want to address today is privacy.  Seeking privacy is important for time of reflection and rest, but some leaders who begin experiencing success take privacy to an extreme. Some go into isolation due to personal insecurities; others choose ...

The Snares of Success: Part III

2023-03-13T21:16:20-05:00March 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing some of the snares that can surface when a business leader begins experiencing success. One common snare is power.  As business leaders grow in success, they also tend to grow in power, which can easily corrupt.  Harvey Weinstein had the power to create or destroy actresses. He abused his power to force many women to ...

Debate Ideas Not People

2023-02-24T19:15:06-06:00March 3rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

At this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Biden pointed out that early in his Senate career Republicans and Democrats would fiercely debate their ideas during the day. But come evening, many Republicans and Democrats would dine together, even after deep disagreements.  President Biden wrapped up his story by saying, “I think it’s time we go back to the way it ...

Civility Has Gone Missing

2023-01-28T12:23:17-06:00February 27th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I came across a video of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush. They were discussing their unusual friendship and how, despite their political differences, they had grown to become close friends.   In a culture that seems void of civility, it’s refreshing to be reminded of what can be and, the civility we should strive towards. It seems our ...

Love is Powerful

2023-02-17T21:13:17-06:00February 17th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Love is an uncommon discussion topic in the workplace. I understand, yet, showing Christ’s love can make a powerful impact.  A friend of mine shared recently how his employer responded to the early stages of Covid. The company learned that many of their employees had spouses who lost their jobs due to Covid.   This put a financial burden upon ...

Noncompete Agreements

2023-02-10T21:18:02-06:00February 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

The Federal Trade Commission wishes to eliminate most noncompete agreements, causing concern in the business community.  If I sell you my business, it would be foolish for you to allow me to start a competing business across the street. A noncompete can be a reasonable solution.   But some companies force employees to sign restrictive noncompetes that jeopardizes their employee’s ...

A Cancelled Football Game

2023-01-24T16:22:25-06:00February 1st, 2023|Tags: , , , |

When I learned the Buffalo Bills and Cincinnati Bengals game had been cancelled due to Damar Hamlin’s injury, I was surprised. When you consider the millions of dollars in salaries, the millions spent by the fans, and the millions of advertising dollars at risk, the financial decision would have been to resume the game.  Fortunately, the coaches and the NFL ...

Unsung Heros

2023-04-02T16:13:41-05:00January 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A new entrepreneur shared with me that he’d recently left his previous employer to venture out and form his own business. Fortunately, his new business began to flourish, resulting in the need for more help.  He and his wife decided that she would quit her job to work alongside her husband. She was willing to sacrifice her job for ...

Godly Values and Principles

2022-12-10T22:47:44-06:00December 14th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series, we are looking at a framework as an answer to the question “How do I involve God in my business?”   Yesterday we described the foundation of the framework as obedience to God’s Word summarized as “love God and love neighbors.” On top of this foundation, the business owner must consider the level to which God’s mission ...

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