Job 31

Treating Employees Respectfully

2023-10-07T14:52:05-05:00October 19th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I spoke with a woman who moved across the world to help one talented artist build his business. Her skills and work helped him become famous and produced millions in revenue.   His fame eventually led to arrogance. He became verbally abusive and disrespectful to this woman, even in public. Her complaints to him about his abusive behavior have fallen ...

Responding to Other’s Misfortunes

2023-09-30T17:29:44-05:00October 12th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I had a bank customer named Floyd. Floyd never spoke poorly about anyone else.  One of Floyd’s employees stole Floyd’s trade secrets and started a competing business, even after Floyd had helped obtain this man’s release from prison.  Despite the wrongs this former employee committed, I was surprised when Floyd’s only comment was, “Well, he must be pretty ...

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