Listen to the latest 60 second episode of Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx
Integrity Moments is a 60 second workday devotional that provides business leaders with helpful insight into what the Bible says about our work and how we can fully integrate our faith into our vocational calling.

Former Chick-fil-a executive, Mark Miller, discovered three words to help any organization build a stronger culture. The second word is Amplify. 

Once you’ve painted a picture for your team of your aspirational culture, the next key is to amplify the vision. Telling stories, rewarding those on your team who are modeling your aspirations, and emphasizing your values repetitively are ways to amplify your culture. 

Over the years, I’ve been blessed to meet Truett Cathy and many of Chick-fil-a’s top executives. I’ve noticed that they frequently talk about their culture and sharing encouraging stories of team members modeling those values. 

Psalm 119:24 says, “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” 

If you desire to build a winning culture, remember to share stories and testimonials to amplify your message. 

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