
Costly Consequences

2024-03-22T22:05:13-05:00April 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Just when inflation was subsiding, California announced their plan to increase the minimum wage from $16 per hour to $20 for most fast-food restaurant employees. When payroll taxes are added, this will increase restaurant labor costs over 27%.  Because businesses exist by making a profit, employees will be laid-off and menu prices will increase. The people impacted the most will ...

Generous Ways to Leverage Your Business: Part IV

2023-11-02T19:55:24-05:00November 16th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Coca Cola Consolidated in Charlotte, North Carolina knew Covid was taking a toll on its employees, so they researched ways to help. Their research discovered that many of their employees had spouses who lost jobs due to the pandemic.  Coca Cola decided to put these spouses on Coca Cola’s payroll until they could return to work. This amazing act of ...

The History of Tipping

2023-10-07T14:29:43-05:00October 17th, 2023|Tags: , , |

According to time.com, tipping started after the Civil War. After the abolition of slavery, many former slaves went to work for restaurants and railroads.   These institutions found a way to exploit former slaves by hiring them for no pay, but with the promise that their customers would tip them if they worked hard.   Over time, the federal government encouraged this ...

The Minimum Wage Debate, Part I

2021-04-05T11:22:08-05:00April 5th, 2021|Tags: , , |

As the politicians debate the merits of a $15 an hour minimum wage, it’s a good time to examine the Biblical approach to wages. Business owners take significant risks and deserve an adequate return on investment for that risk. The dilemma is determining how much the business owner deserves as compared to how much is due his or her workers ...

Unconventional Pay Cuts

2020-04-28T08:31:47-05:00April 28th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Roger, a new friend of mine, recently shared with me about how his company handled the economic downturn in 2009. Their business was significantly impacted and needed to slash payroll. But, leadership chose to look beyond the conventional employee layoffs. After much thought, leadership chose to retain all employees by cutting wages. The highest paid workers took the biggest pay ...

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