
The Religion of Whiteness

2024-05-27T14:24:03-05:00June 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Sociologists Michael Emerson and Glenn Bracey conducted a study surveying Christians of all races. They highlighted Bible passages that might impact different races, with a conclusion of how the passage might be applied.   They were surprised to discover that most Black, Asian, and Hispanic Christians affirmed their conclusions, but only 1/3 of white Christians concurred.   I have not yet ...

Respecting Others in the Workplace

2024-05-27T14:13:18-05:00June 4th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A new HR Brew/Harris Poll found that 41% of respondents say that conflicts related to faith have caused tension in their workplaces. Additionally, these types of disputes have increased due to the Israel Hamas armed conflict.   For employers, this can be challenging. As much as we need teamwork and unity, modern day issues can put team members at odds ...

International Opportunities

2024-05-03T21:05:53-05:00May 31st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Prior to Covid, large businesses had a competitive advantage over many small businesses by outsourcing work to China or India. Smaller businesses, however, were usually limited in their pool of labor to their local communities.  During Covid, as remote work became more common, the online labor pool expanded. I have friends who have since outsourced marketing functions to the Philippines ...

Faith Within

2024-05-03T20:58:34-05:00May 30th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Michael Zigarelli, a professor at Messiah University in Pennsylvania, spoke at a God in the Workplace event recently. One of the simple, but profound, insights Mr. Zigarelli reportedly shared was “the starting point for faith at work is faith within.”  Michael stated that Chick-fil-a doesn’t have a company policy requiring employees to go the extra mile. Instead, Chick-fil-a hires people ...

Small and Steady Growth

2024-05-03T20:52:50-05:00May 29th, 2024|Tags: , , |

As a young impatient professional, at times I strived to get rich quickly. This led to foolish decisions that set me back rather than forward.  An activity that exceeded my expectations, however, was when a stockbroker talked me into investing $25 per month into a mutual fund. As a teenager, it was painful at times, especially during college. But, I ...

The Strength of an Ox

2024-05-03T20:44:12-05:00May 28th, 2024|Tags: , , |

One challenge small businesses face, who are forced to compete against larger businesses, is a lack of resources. Large companies can hire more people and invest in technology that may be hard for smaller businesses to come by.  This disadvantage requires that a small business needs to be even more selective in hiring the right people who fit the role ...

Legacy Letters for Business

2024-04-26T19:25:39-05:00May 27th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Recently, I was invited to attend a Legacy Letter Workshop that helps people like me leave a hope-filled letter for our children. There may also be a business application possible.   Baby Boomers are now transitioning businesses and leadership roles to the next generation. We have insight, wisdom, and experiences to pass on to our successors that may be welcomed ...

Companion of Fools

2024-05-03T20:36:32-05:00May 24th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Recently, a group of friends and I were reflecting on our junior high school years. Rick shared how grateful he was that he met up with our friend group back then.   Before meeting our group, Rick primarily talked with Mike, one of the wildest kids in our class. Had Rick continued hanging out with Mike’s group, Rick’s life might have ...

A Biblical Approach to Performance Reviews: Part IV

2024-05-03T20:05:29-05:00May 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave performance reviews to seven churches. Jesus provided us a good format for our employee’s performance reviews.  Regardless of how bad these churches had acted, Jesus finished his final section with hope and encouragement. Jesus wanted what was best for them, so He closed His letters with the benefits and rewards possible, if His ...

A Biblical Approach to Performance Reviews: Part I

2024-05-03T19:37:32-05:00May 20th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave performance reviews to seven churches. As I studied the seven letters, I believe I’ve discovered a roadmap for performance reviews.   In this series, we’ll cover four sections Jesus used; Strengths, Areas for Improvement, Corrections Needed, and finally words of Hope and Encouragement.  Let’s begin with Strengths. Five of the seven letters begin with, ...

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