
A Persecuted Realtor

2025-01-26T10:33:52-06:00February 4th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Wilson Fauber has been a Virginia realtor for over forty years, yet he was recently found guilty of ethics violations by a National Association of Realtors ethics panel. Mr. Fauber’s crime – years earlier he quoted Bible verses about marriage and human sexuality on social media.   According to christianpost.com, Mr. Fauber was charged with “hate speech” because of quoting the ...

The Power of Empathy: Part I

2024-12-30T13:06:17-06:00January 13th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Empathy as a Workplace Superpower is an article posted on forbes.com. that references a study claiming that 63% of CEOs struggle with consistently demonstrating empathy. Yet, the top 7% of top performing companies claim that empathy is core to their culture.   Empathy is a quality we should embrace, but sometimes difficult to express.  The Oxford Dictionary defines empathy as, “the ...

Labor Before Rewards

2025-01-06T12:51:17-06:00January 10th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Jerry joined a new company division that pursued growth by offering products outside of the company’s traditional business lines. But excitement about this new initiative got ahead of results. The team spent lavishly on retreats, travel, and dinners to build teamwork and motivation long before the revenue appeared. Executives eventually closed the division when it was clear that profitability ...

Overcoming Mistreatment

2024-12-30T12:10:32-06:00January 9th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Doug, a former boss of mine, worked for the same company for over forty years. His strong work ethic, faithfulness, and loyalty allowed him to steadily climb the corporate ladder.  But when Doug reached the top of his department, he was more subject to the wrath and whims of the CEO, resulting in occasional mistreatment or demotion.  What I admired ...

The Pendulum Swings

2024-12-30T11:43:12-06:00January 8th, 2025|Tags: , , |

On January 20th the political pendulum appears to be preparing for a dramatic swing. For business leaders this change in direction can impact regulations, taxes, and even the mood of the marketplace.  Many business leaders would prefer predictability rather than dramatic shifts. Unpredictable change can become a distraction from focusing on the core aspects of our business.  All adjustments and ...

Bible Sales Soar

2024-12-30T11:24:58-06:00January 7th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Rarely do I see a spiritually encouraging article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, but recently I read, “Bible Sales Grow 22%.” Even though print books only grew 1% this year, Bible sales soared 22%.   Since some estimate that the average household owns 3.5 Bibles, the more pertinent issue is how many of these new Bible owners ...

An Agent of Justice

2024-03-11T11:47:50-05:00March 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

Discovering your spiritual calling is extremely valuable, but there can be some downsides as well.   For example, someone dedicated to their calling may overlook abuse. In an article on theconversation.com the authors claim, “People who feel that God intended them to be in their current workplace or industry might be more disposed to stay in their current role regardless of unfair ...

Being Anointed

2023-12-09T10:45:10-06:00December 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When musician, Chris Tomlin, was 18, he was asked to lead worship at a youth camp. It was Chris’ first worship engagement, but he only knew three songs. His inexperience became obvious.  Later that week, a camp speaker named James said to Chris, “I’ve been praying for you. God has shared two things with me. First, you don’t have ...

Finding Local Counsel

2023-11-25T14:23:07-06:00December 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Bill felt isolated and depressed. As a small-town employer, Bill felt he had to guard his business problems from the local rumor mill, leaving him no place to turn.  As a new member in our network, Bill discovered we were available to help. We provided counsel, yet we knew that Bill needed local support as well.   The fear of rumors ...

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