Exodus 35

What Should I Give?

2023-12-14T18:43:33-06:00December 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |

My view on charitable giving was originally limited to giving cash to my church. But when I began accepting donations to UBN, I learned that giving can take different forms.  Over the years, we’ve had generous people donate stock, copy machines, IRAs, and even a $20,000 luxury car! Business owners can also donate stock in their businesses, real estate, or ...

Enduring Work: Part II

2023-02-18T15:32:52-06:00August 9th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Most of us would love for our work to endure beyond our lifetimes. Bezalel was a craftsman who modeled that level of enduring work.  Bezalel built the ark of the covenant which still existed thousands of years later. The Bible tells us of Bezalel’s attributes that made his work so enduring.    Exodus 35:30 says, “The Lord has called by name Bezalel ...

Transferable Skills

2021-11-17T14:43:33-06:00August 17th, 2021|Tags: , , |

During a rerun of the TV show New Amsterdam, the medical director, Max, realized that there were people working for him who were in obsolete jobs. Many of them had skills useful for other roles, but they had been hiding out hoping to retain their paycheck. Max matched their skills to new jobs. Many people have spent their careers in ...

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