Wise Counsel

Finding Local Counsel

2023-11-25T14:23:07-06:00December 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Bill felt isolated and depressed. As a small-town employer, Bill felt he had to guard his business problems from the local rumor mill, leaving him no place to turn.  As a new member in our network, Bill discovered we were available to help. We provided counsel, yet we knew that Bill needed local support as well.   The fear of rumors ...

Business Planning Principles: Part V

2021-01-08T03:27:45-06:00January 8th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about principles for business planning. The final principle in our series is this: “Good planning requires wise counsel.” A friend of mine has successfully started multiple businesses over the years, all in different industries. Once, I asked him how he has been able to succeed in so many different businesses. He told me that any ...

Hard Decisions

2020-07-12T22:21:13-05:00July 13th, 2020|Tags: , , |

One of the hardest decisions an employer makes is eliminating a position or job. As a country, our small business leaders have made many hard decisions. The question is, “Did we learn anything?” This is a time to reflect on questions such as, “Did I wait too long and why?” “Did I make the decision in a vacuum or did ...

Reopening, Part II: Testing Your Hypotheses

2020-06-01T17:30:41-05:00June 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , |

In this series we are examining what we can learn from entrepreneurs about restarting our businesses post-lockdown. Yesterday, we learned that startups test hypotheses and adapt as necessary. But, what does that look like? Some entrepreneurs identify their most critical hypothesis and design a low-cost experiment to test it. They iterate through a “build-measure-learn” loop as rapidly as possible, zeroing ...

Who Are Your Profits?

2019-12-12T10:28:10-06:00December 11th, 2019|Tags: , , |

When you hear the word prophet, what do you think? Is it this strange person who tells the future, and it’s all doom and gloom? Historically, prophets were advisors and teachers intended to serve the king by providing truth, honest feedback, advice and instruction. Truth is both positive and negative, celebratory and critical. Can you think of three to five ...

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