Marketing and Sales

A Fruitful Sales Approach

2021-02-22T19:38:46-06:00February 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , |

When I was in banking, one of my roles was business development. Some of my peers were very transactionally oriented, but I typically tried to focus on a longer-term, relational approach. I joined associations and groups to meet and see key people at significant companies frequently. I diligently and consistently tended to the relationships developed through those associations, knowing opportunities ...

Knowing Your Business

2021-02-16T02:26:16-06:00February 16th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I ran a consulting practice when a rapidly growing retail chain hired me to improve their cash flow and to resolve what the owner believed to be a “minor” tax problem. As I began asking for financial information, I began to understand the problem. Their bookkeeper had resigned, and they had ignored their bookkeeping for months. They had ...

Don’t Be Tone Deaf

2020-12-23T23:16:51-06:00December 28th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

One generous partner to this ministry mentioned that he supported many efforts, but that he had other passions higher on his priority list than ours. Although I heard him, I pushed him to increase his giving. This generous businessman was offended and chose to pause further support. Upon reflection, I realized I hadn’t reallylistened and honored his words. I offered ...

The Communication Challenges of ReOpening

2020-08-20T12:37:28-05:00August 21st, 2020|Tags: , , |

A recent article by the US Chamber of Commerce states, “Getting customer communications right is critical to your business's success in a post-pandemic world, as consumers are looking for businesses that make them feel safe and secure.” Having a communication plan that includes knowing what to communicate, and how to communicate and what the communication flow will look like is ...

Clarifying Your Communication

2020-06-12T00:13:42-05:00June 12th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Our daily Integrity Moments are not only in written form, but, they also are recorded as a daily radio program and podcast. Due to time restrictions, I have a limited number of words to communicate each message. These factors sometimes hinder me from providing a full context for my thoughts. This occasionally has led to some people taking away a ...

Desperation Unbridled

2020-01-18T14:36:52-06:00January 22nd, 2020|Tags: , , |

Desperation can surface when sales quotas are not being met, or, when December 31stis drawing near and fundraising goals are falling short. When your livelihood or commissions are at risk, desperation can become obvious to the customer. Unfortunately, most customers can sense desperation, and they usually respond poorly. This can cause your results to be even worse. For those of ...

Business Roundtable Philosophical Change

2019-10-09T15:22:57-05:00October 1st, 2019|Tags: , , |

The Business Roundtable consists of the leaders of the largest companies in America. According to the Wall Street Journal, this group recently made a dramatic philosophical shift. For decades, economist Milton Friedman’s theory that companies’ only obligation is to maximize profits for their shareholders has been the stated purpose of this group. Their new philosophy, however, changed the focus from ...

If It Ain’t Broke

2019-09-08T23:46:23-05:00September 8th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Customer expectations are ever changing in today’s culture. Constant access to instant and new information, ideas and methods creates a challenge for businesses who gallantly strive to meet customer needs. The adage, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” does not apply to business. Business leaders must understand what “broken” means to the customer. Broken goes beyond mechanics and extends ...

Data and Diligence

2019-07-23T00:10:49-05:00July 23rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Data is a word in business that has become common, but wasn’t common all that long ago. defines “data” as “individual facts, statistics, or items of information.” Computers have allowed us to gather more information faster than ever before. This information can be used to make better decisions when diligently analyzed and applied. Unfortunately, many overlook the basic data ...

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