
A Time for Trusting

2022-04-06T19:04:48-05:00July 29th, 2021|Tags: , , |

There’s an engaging television series called The Chosen that provides a different perspective on the life of Jesus. In Season Two, Simon Peter approaches Jesus with an idea. Peter is frustrated with what seems like chaos to him in following Jesus each day. Peter recommends that Jesus allow Peter to establish a schedule and develop roles and responsibilities for everyone! ...

Knowing Your Business

2021-02-16T02:26:16-06:00February 16th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I ran a consulting practice when a rapidly growing retail chain hired me to improve their cash flow and to resolve what the owner believed to be a “minor” tax problem. As I began asking for financial information, I began to understand the problem. Their bookkeeper had resigned, and they had ignored their bookkeeping for months. They had ...

Best Practices Debunked

2021-02-11T01:25:34-06:00February 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

An article from Fast Company states, “The ‘best practice’ is one of the business world’s most common conventions, but it’s often arbitrary and based mainly on habit–the result of conditions that no longer apply.” The frantic pace of the world causes best practices to become obsolete as quick as they are created. Businesses guided by Biblical principles do not need ...

The Resilience Factor

2021-01-18T22:36:01-06:00January 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

A recent article by McKinsey & Company states, “Although corporate decision makers cannot plan for every potential risk, we examined some ways they can prepare for extraordinary risks, determine which protections are worth the investment, and position themselves for better resiliency.” Business leaders have been tasked to make impossible decisions, choosing between bad and worse. Resilience is the courage to ...

Business Planning Principles: Part V

2021-01-08T03:27:45-06:00January 8th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about principles for business planning. The final principle in our series is this: “Good planning requires wise counsel.” A friend of mine has successfully started multiple businesses over the years, all in different industries. Once, I asked him how he has been able to succeed in so many different businesses. He told me that any ...

Business Planning Principles: Part IV

2021-01-07T02:35:53-06:00January 7th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about principles for business planning. The fourth principle is this: “Diligently executing God’s plan is more profitable than hasty pursuits.” The TV program, “60 Minutes” did a feature on a company started by some political consultants to sell “personal protection equipment.” Although they had no experience in securing PPE, they had great political contacts. This ...

Business Planning Principles: Part III

2021-01-06T00:34:34-06:00January 6th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about principles for business planning. The third principle is this: “If you commit your plan to the Lord, He will establish your path.” Nehemiah was an indentured cupbearer for a foreign king working thousands of miles from his homeland. Yet, God placed on Nehemiah’s heart to go to Jerusalem and rebuild that devastated city. Nehemiah ...

Business Planning Principles: Part II

2021-01-05T02:49:28-06:00January 5th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about principles for business planning. The second principle is this: “God’s purpose will prevail, so seek His purpose and plan.” When I was 25, I started a car rental agency for the purpose of making a lot of money. I had a plan, but I never even considered consulting with God for His plan. Years ...

Business Planning Principles: Part I

2020-12-31T21:47:32-06:00January 4th, 2021|Tags: , , |

When I started a consulting practice years ago, I sent a survey to business owners. The essence of the survey revolved around two questions: Do you believe business planning is important, and, do you currently have any kind of business plan? Over 90% who responded said they viewed business planning as important, but only 40% said they had any kind ...

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