
Unlikely Ambassadors

2022-04-02T13:22:15-05:00April 12th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Years ago, a movie called The Informant highlighted part of Mark Whitacre’s story. What the movie doesn’t share is the amazing turnaround that later occurred in Mark’s life.   Mark had participated in a large price fixing scandal, embezzled money, became a whistleblower, and spent time in prison! But today Mark is leading an organization called TFactor that helps thousands of ...

The Long-Lasting Poison of Gossip

2022-04-01T22:01:19-05:00April 4th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

A reporter recently falsified a story about a conversation that he claimed quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, had with his fiancé and brother. Mahomes supposedly asked them not to attend his football games. I shared this information with my wife only to later discover that the story had been discredited by Mahomes.   Soon thereafter, the reporter apologized for his false story. The ...

Fulfilling Your Promises

2022-04-01T21:32:08-05:00March 30th, 2022|Tags: , , |

During the pandemic, the US Government offered tax credits to help small businesses weather the troubling times. The government, however, seems to have forgotten to plan and fund the additional support the IRS needs to distribute the funds.   Many businesses filed for these credits early in 2021 and have yet to receive any monies.    In business, it’s easy to ...

Pursue Character and Giftedness

2022-03-28T14:12:07-05:00February 28th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, I was teaching a men’s group on the value of using their areas of giftedness. One person shared with me that he and his son had just discussed giftedness the day before. They came to a profound conclusion: Giftedness, without strong character, can have a very bad ending. Bernie Madoff, who died in prison last year, was a great ...

Rewarding Truthtellers

2022-03-28T13:58:07-05:00February 25th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

One of the challenges facing many business leaders who have a large staff is actually hearing the truth. So many people believe that they need to share only what their boss wants to hear that they rarely share what their boss needs to hear. For several years I worked for a boss who punished people who delivered hard truth. His ...

George Washington’s Reputation

2022-03-19T18:44:31-05:00February 21st, 2022|Tags: , , |

George Washington left his American legacy with a great reputation. Even though the famous story of George Washington chopping down a cherry tree and not lying about it, may not be true, this story speaks to people’s belief about his character. George Washington once said, “Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is ...

Lincoln’s Legacy

2022-03-19T17:35:57-05:00February 11th, 2022|Tags: , , |

As we remember Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, it’s a great day to remember the importance of doing the right thing, even when unpopular. With half of the nation at war, President Lincoln was very unpopular with most of the nation. Yet, he persevered to abolish slavery and fight secession. Today Lincoln is widely celebrated as one of the most respected Presidents ...

Paying in Pennies

2022-03-18T13:22:47-05:00February 2nd, 2022|Tags: , , |

Miles Walker owns an auto repair store in Georgia. Mr. Walker refused to pay his employee, Andreas Flaten, his final paycheck, until forced to by the Department of Labor. When Walker learned Flaten had called the government, Mr. Walker retaliated. Mr. Walker retaliated by paying Flaten with pennies! Walker dumped over $900 worth of oil covered pennies in Mr. Flaten’s ...

Costly Sex

2022-03-15T21:10:29-05:00January 18th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

Last month, Steve Easterbrook, former CEO of McDonalds, decided to return $105 million in severance benefits to McDonalds. In 2019, Easterbrook was terminated without cause allowing him to obtain his agreed upon severance package. After that termination, McDonalds claims to have discovered sexually explicit videos of Easterbrook with company employees and other women. This discovery led the board of McDonalds ...

God Made Me Do It?

2022-03-02T20:10:59-06:00December 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

A friend asked me to participate in an intervention years ago. We met with a Christian leader who was threatening to leave his family to run off with someone from his church. Never had I witnessed how easily evil could overtake someone who had previously taught God’s Word. I was amazed when he stated that God wanted him to leave ...

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