Daniel 6

Do No Harm

2023-03-24T21:05:26-05:00April 19th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In the “Daniel and the lion’s den” story, Daniel’s peers became jealous of Daniel. To eliminate Daniel as a competitor, these jealous peers convinced King Darius to force everyone to worship only the king, which Daniel violated.   Amazingly, Daniel didn’t whine to the king. He didn’t try to get even with his attackers. Most importantly, he didn’t forsake his commitment ...

The Armor of God: Part II

2022-06-15T14:52:28-05:00June 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we’re discussing how to apply the armor of God in Ephesians 6 to our workplace challenges. We previously discussed the belt of truth.   The second tool Paul listed is the breastplate of righteousness. In the story of Daniel, his jealous peers tried to find a way to destroy Daniel. But they were finding it impossible, because ...

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