
A New Career Path

2022-03-15T20:13:29-05:00January 11th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

According to Labor Department data, the percentage of workers who are now self-employed stands at 5.9%, the highest level in 11 years. The CEO of Upwork Inc. claims that “A new type of career path has emerged, with half of the Gen Z talent pool actually choosing to start their careers in freelance rather than full-time employment.” God pointed towards ...

The Great Small Business Boom

2022-03-15T19:53:50-05:00January 10th, 2022|Tags: , , |

It seemed strange that so many people were resigning from their jobs in the Great Resignation without a place to go. I suspected that many were starting their own small businesses. The Wall Street Journal affirmed my thoughts when they discovered that 4.54 million new businesses filed for federal tax identification numbers from January through October of 2020, up 56% ...


2022-03-14T13:01:53-05:00December 27th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

My new friend, Sean, shared with me that he and a friend were convinced that God wanted them to start a Bible study in one of the roughest parts of their city. They went door-to-door inviting people to their weekly Bible study. The first and second week of the study no one showed up. They were discouraged, but these two ...

Discovering a Niche

2022-02-19T11:36:04-06:00November 12th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Recently, a friend introduced us to a niche I never knew existed, a motorcoach resort. Just like some people prefer staying in luxury hotels, there are many RV owners who prefer a luxury place to stay during their seasonal travel. Buying a motorcoach resort lot allows these high-end RV owners to also invest in property rather than renting. Our friend’s ...

Immediate Obedience

2022-01-01T13:52:40-06:00October 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

As I met with Grace about her desire to launch a new business, I was reminded of how scary it can be to leave a job to pursue your passion. But when God makes it clear that He is calling you to step into something new, disobedience shouldn’t be an option. In Jonah 1, God said to Jonah, "'Go to ...

Underlying Assumptions

2021-12-31T15:18:48-06:00October 13th, 2021|Tags: , , |

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines innovation as “a new idea, method, or device.” Unfortunately, many people believe they’re not creative enough to be innovators. Lately, I’ve been reading a book entitled, “RE:Think Innovation” that disagrees. The author, Carla Johnson, believes we can train ourselves to become innovators. Ms. Johnson outlines steps for how we can create innovative ideas. But, I personally ...

Entrepreneurial Discipline

2021-10-06T13:31:14-05:00September 30th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Recently, I met with a 25-year-old entrepreneur who had already had three failed businesses and was working on his fourth. I love the passion of young visionaries, but I hate to see the pain many have experienced due to a lack of discipline. My encouragement to this young man was that I saw tremendous potential for his future, but he ...

Small Business Startup: Tip Number 5

2021-10-18T14:20:49-05:00September 17th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

One of the biggest reasons for business failure is due to being undercapitalized. Starting a business almost always costs more than expected. Starting a business usually costs more than many entrepreneurs have in available cash. This typically leads to the entrepreneur trying to borrow significant sums of money, often requiring more trust in the lender than in God’s provision. I’ve ...

Small Business Startup: Tip Number 4

2021-10-18T14:24:12-05:00September 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Most people who start a new business have technical skills in their industry, but frequently have little or no bookkeeping experience or knowledge. Since bookkeeping costs money and does not create revenue, it’s usually the last thing an entrepreneur wants to consider. Wise business decisions can only be made with good information. If you do not know whether your company ...

Small Business Startup: Tip Number 3

2021-10-18T14:25:38-05:00September 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Every year around April 15th, many new entrepreneurs receive shocking and unexpected news from their tax preparer. They owe a lot more tax than they have cash available. Why does this happen? When you receive a paycheck, taxes are withheld automatically, but as an entrepreneur you are paid a gross amount of money without accounting for taxes. The IRS wants ...

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