
Becoming an Unconventional LEADER: Part II

2023-03-25T13:23:22-05:00April 24th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Twenty years ago, two different radio executives recommended that I create a daily devotional for business leaders that could be carried as a radio vignette. This was nothing I would have considered on my own. But God confirmed His desire, and I began writing.   God’s excellence and my obedience resulted in more than two million people having been blessed by ...

Preparing For Marketplace Revival: Part V

2022-10-21T16:57:28-05:00November 18th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the stages of true repentance. After acknowledging your sin, experiencing true remorse, and putting a stop to your sin there is a final step – commit to obeying God.  In Nehemiah 10, out of Israel’s brokenness and remorse Israel decided to stop sinning, but they needed clarity and commitment to what that would mean. Israel ...

Preparing For Marketplace Revival: Part I

2022-10-21T15:40:41-05:00November 14th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Billy Graham once said that he believed the next revival would come through the marketplace. My personal hopes and prayers are that Billy Graham’s prediction will come true.  But what scripture consistently reveals is that repentance precedes revival. Unfortunately, when I examine what repentance looks like in the Bible and contrast it to our current culture’s approach to sin, I ...

Lincoln’s Legacy

2022-03-19T17:35:57-05:00February 11th, 2022|Tags: , , |

As we remember Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, it’s a great day to remember the importance of doing the right thing, even when unpopular. With half of the nation at war, President Lincoln was very unpopular with most of the nation. Yet, he persevered to abolish slavery and fight secession. Today Lincoln is widely celebrated as one of the most respected Presidents ...

God’s View on Competition: Part II

2022-03-02T19:32:05-06:00December 14th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Many of us were involved in team sports. Whether it’s basketball, football or soccer, two teams compete with the intent that one will win and the other will lose. This can easily foster the viewpoint that our business lives must also be about a win/lose proposition. It’s easy to convince ourselves that God wants us to win every deal. Joshua ...

A Missing Quality

2022-01-01T14:01:23-06:00October 26th, 2021|Tags: , , |

A quality that is seldom heard about and seems lacking in our culture today is reverence. Instead of revering God, His name is used in vain constantly throughout America’s workplaces. The Israelites had such reverence for God that when they built the temple under King Solomon’s leadership, no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site ...

Immediate Obedience

2022-01-01T13:52:40-06:00October 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

As I met with Grace about her desire to launch a new business, I was reminded of how scary it can be to leave a job to pursue your passion. But when God makes it clear that He is calling you to step into something new, disobedience shouldn’t be an option. In Jonah 1, God said to Jonah, "'Go to ...

Enjoying the Adventure

2022-04-10T15:02:57-05:00July 20th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In the video series called “The Chosen,” the Apostle Peter is portrayed as beginning his journey with Jesus as an uptight and controlling disciple. Later, however, on their way to the Pool of Bethesda, Peter relaxes as he realizes he can’t control Jesus. At one point, Peter laughs and says something like, “Here we go again.” It seems Peter has ...

The Legacy of Charles Stanley

2021-01-08T03:35:22-06:00January 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

At 88 years old, Dr. Charles Stanley recently retired as the senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Atlanta. His son, Andy, recently interviewed Dr. Stanley about his illustrious career. Throughout the interview, there was a theme Dr. Stanley embraced to navigate many challenges in his life and remain faithful to God all the way to the finish. His personal ...

Sacred Cows

2020-03-03T01:52:05-06:00March 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , |

During a prayer retreat, I felt God encourage me to be open to something new. Shortly thereafter, a friend challenged me with a new idea. He said, “Rick, your book, “Unconventional Business” would be a better brand than Integrity Resource Center. Have you ever considered changing?” My immediate reaction was, “Absolutely not!” My friend then challenged me to pray about ...

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