Matthew 6

Spiritual Calling Redefined

2024-03-11T11:02:34-05:00March 19th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Many people limit a spiritual calling to only pastors and missionaries. Over the years, however, I’ve seen this flawed understanding of calling dramatically broaden to include those in the workplace.  An article on website stated that business scholars Mitchell Neubert and Katie Halbesleben define spiritual calling as “a summons from God to approach work with a sense of purpose and a pursuit of excellence ...

Meaningful Conversation

2024-01-26T22:07:12-06:00October 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

We recently hosted a local networking event. One of our guests stopped me and shared how encouraged they were by our networking because it gave them an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with like-minded business leaders.  According to our guest, many networking events feel shallow and function mainly to sell products or services. Our networking events tend to create ...

Becoming an Unconventional LEADER: Part IV

2023-03-25T13:50:17-05:00April 26th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When you ask an entrepreneur why they started their business, most will say it was to make money. That’s not why Ryan Fee started Camel Culture.  While volunteering at a refugee settlement, the Fees learned that what Somali refugees miss the most about their homeland is their camels and their camel’s milk. According to a story on, out of ...

Four Steps to Model Christ at Work: Step Four

2023-03-24T20:12:45-05:00April 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Gospel Coalition article by Miranda Carls provides four steps to improve your experience at work and to represent Christ more fully. The final step in this series is keeping work in perspective.  So many of our waking hours are consumed by work. This can eventually give us a distorted view of life making work problems bigger than they need ...

Making Peace

2023-03-03T18:29:41-06:00March 23rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I received a call from a peer whom I had not heard from in years. He quickly launched into a rant of anger against an email I had written to others that he received secondhand.   He misunderstood the facts resulting in anger and frustration on both our parts. Later, God reminded me of times my brother and I would ...

Is God Your Spare Tire?

2022-11-21T15:53:58-06:00November 21st, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, I interviewed actor and movie producer, Alex Kendrick. I asked, “If we truly want to follow God, how do we know what size problems to take to God?”  Alex gave me a word picture as an answer. He said, “God is not a spare tire. Instead, God needs to be your steering wheel.”  Many, including myself at times, ...

A Labor Day Response

2023-03-13T21:57:23-05:00September 5th, 2022|Tags: , , |

The celebration of Labor Day is a reminder of the ongoing tension that often happens between employers and employees. When employers feel their sole purpose is to maximize profits, they may jump to the conclusion that minimizing labor costs is their duty.  When employers became too heavy-handed in the 1890s, employee pay and working conditions became deplorable, spurring a ...

Stakeholder Capitalism

2021-10-20T14:21:43-05:00August 30th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

“Stakeholder capitalism” encourages companies to be run for the benefit of all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, investors and communities. But what is a CEO to do when different stakeholders have different priorities? In today’s world, different stakeholders demand attention for the environment, racial injustice, and political issues, while expecting you to still run a profitable company. For Biblically grounded ...

The Power of Forgiveness

2021-11-17T14:00:11-06:00August 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Pastor Joe was surprised when the bank informed him that his bookkeeper was stealing money from the church. The bookkeeper was a recent widow struggling financially. When confronted with her crime, the Church’s bookkeeper was devastated with regret. She quickly agreed to a repayment plan. At great sacrifice, every month she made payments to repay the debt. Eventually the elders ...

Kingdom Minded Resolution

2021-11-17T20:09:30-06:00August 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Jim, a Canadian leader in the telecommunications field, was leading a cross-functional team on a significant project. One member of the team became antagonistic. Jim started to remove this person from the team when he decided to try to reconcile one more time. As he did, Jim felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask if this person was a ...

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