Proverbs 25

God’s View on Competition: Part V

2022-03-02T19:43:08-06:00December 17th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

We recently have been researching moving into a new market. So, I reached out to another faith at work ministry in that community to discuss collaborating rather than competing. One of their leaders began offering ideas on how they might partner with us. The true sign of his heart, however, was when he offered to introduce us to their biggest ...

Business Proverbs: Day 25 – Avoid the Unfaithful Employee

2022-04-23T11:31:01-05:00May 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

While in public accounting, I was assigned to perform multiple government audits in Georgia. On one occasion, a new accountant from New Jersey, Mike, was assigned to my team. On our final day, we had much to accomplish before catching our flights home. Then, the electrical power went out throughout the city. I decided to drive to the next town ...

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