
Blinded by Peers

2022-05-10T10:20:56-05:00March 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Highlighted by Jessica Kennedy’s Harvard Business Review article, a study of over 11,000 participants revealed that job promotions may make it more likely you will be blinded to the unethical behavior within the organization. Their study specifically found that when an organization wanted to lie, 39% of low-ranking employees would dissent. But only 14% of high-ranking employees were willing to ...

Pretenders and Posers

2022-05-10T10:54:48-05:00March 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

There was a surgeon who came in occasionally to the bank where I worked. He would park his new Mercedes by the front door and brag about his car to our staff. He wore lots of jewelry and flashy clothes and loved to talk about his success. One day this surgeon met with me to request a loan. I discovered ...

Cutting Corners

2022-05-10T12:05:24-05:00March 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

When I began my banking career, I spent time investigating bank frauds. One of the frauds I worked on was that of a bank president who determined his significant pay wasn’t enough. This president began producing false travel expense reports, claiming that he was driving to headquarters, four hours each way, multiple times a month. His spending habits, however, continued ...

Blinded by Ambition

2022-05-12T18:28:35-05:00March 4th, 2021|Tags: , , |

A group of CEOs who met monthly invited me to visit their group. The host CEO of that meeting gave us permission to interview his “number two” person to learn about the inner workings of his business. During that session, we learned that our host was involved in a kickback, but his motivations to rapidly grow his business had blinded ...

A Costly Ethical Stance

2022-05-12T18:37:51-05:00March 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , |

In 2002, Bill Duffy’s client, professional basketball player, Anthony Carter, had an option to continue playing for the Miami Heat for $4.1 million. But Duffy, Carter’s agent, somehow forgot to make the necessary arrangements by the deadline. Because Carter had a challenging year in basketball that year, Duffy’s mistake cost Carter over $3 million in lost revenue. Many would dodge ...

Election Integrity

2020-11-02T23:40:50-06:00November 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , |

Politics are a passionate pursuit for many in our country, especially when the ideological divide is as vast as it has been recently. There will likely be some dishonest voting and manipulation done on both sides of the political aisle this year. Although we may not be able to prevent immoral activities of others, we can prevent our own. Some ...

Beyond Reproach

2020-09-28T01:13:25-05:00September 29th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Finding someone with integrity, that is beyond reproach, seems impossible in today’s online public world. Even the Bible’s pages are full of characters who were murderers, adulterers and deceivers. But there was one role model we should study and try to emulate, Daniel. When Daniel’s peers became jealous and decided to destroy him, they unsuccessfully looked for his weakness. But ...

Passionate About Tax?

2020-07-15T01:52:12-05:00July 15th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Many people feel like groaning or complaining when taxes are discussed, but not Rachel. Rachel is the most passionate person about tax that I have ever met! When Rachel talks about tax accounting, her eyes light up and she becomes animated. God has wired each of us uniquely, and yes, some are even wired to enjoy taxes. In Luke 3 ...

Taking Shortcuts

2020-02-04T22:39:35-06:00February 5th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Bret took shortcuts in everything he did, so much so that it regularly got him in trouble at work and home.  He once confided that he had just taken a call from the trash company that hauled his company’s trash. They were livid that someone had put cans of industrial paint into the dumpster which spilled onto their truck, and ...

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