
Business Wisdom from James: Part X

2024-05-30T19:47:22-05:00June 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

My first banking job was in the Audit department. Although our audit manager wasn’t a particularly strong leader, the culture seemed peaceful to me.  That is until Mary was hired. Mary came from the academic world with a PHD and was overly ambitious.  Mary was only there briefly before she started stating that she thought she would be a better ...

Building an Effective Team: Part IV

2023-06-03T14:16:55-05:00June 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When I was in public accounting, Wyatt was the least respected partner in the firm due to his inferior accounting skills. But he effectively recruited new clients, so Wyatt kept getting promoted.  Sometimes there was jealousy from the other partners and staff. Their accounting help on Wyatt’s clients often went unrecognized.  1 Corinthians 12:24 teaches, “But God has put the ...

Envy Leads to Disorder

2022-05-06T22:25:38-05:00April 30th, 2021|Tags: , , |

William Arthur Ward, poet of the early 20th century said, “Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.” When the line is crossed from admiration to envy, there is a shift in the heart. It is a shift of heart posture. ...

Jealousy in the Ranks

2020-08-25T22:26:27-05:00August 25th, 2020|Tags: , , |

As a new grandparent, I’ve noticed that a new baby in the home can change the dynamics. Everyone seems so focused on the new baby that others can feel overlooked or jealous. That can be a husband, another child, or even a pet. In business, the same dynamic can happen. While trying to onboard a new employee, some staff members ...

Stamp Out Jealousy

2020-05-26T14:42:01-05:00May 27th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I struggled with jealousy. As I watched a peer’s organization flourish, I found myself envious of his rapid success. After some soul searching and prayer, I asked God to forgive me, and, I also asked for forgiveness from my peer. In Numbers 11, Joshua heard, and complained about, other leaders suddenly prophesying like only Moses had done previously. ...

Jealousy and Family Business

2019-04-29T16:01:17-05:00April 30th, 2019|Tags: , , |

One of the struggles many family businesses face is jealousy. I’ve observed a father play his son and daughter against each other to see which one was better suited for running the family business. This fostered jealousy and caused them to sabotage each other, even when they knew it was harmful for the business. In Genesis 37 Jacob revealed his ...

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