Culture Building

Three Keys To a Winning Culture: Aspire

2023-08-26T15:31:13-05:00September 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Former Chick-fil-a executive, Mark Miller, discovered three words to help any organization build a stronger culture. The first word Mark emphasized was Aspire.   You need to paint a picture for your team of what culture you aspire to for your organization.   Mark shared that Truett Cathy told the same customer service stories to each group because he wanted to consistently ...

The Advantages of Beauty

2023-06-24T10:10:17-05:00July 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Several studies highlighted in the Wall Street Journal substantiate that “attractive” people experience a “halo effect.” This halo effect means that we tend to assume that good looks are a sign of intelligence, trustworthiness, and good character.   A Journal of Economics and Business study found that good-looking banking CEOs make over $1 million more in total compensation than their lesser-looking ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part II

2023-04-22T10:16:43-05:00May 9th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed the culture of busyness that permeates the workforce. Social scientists have begun to call this malady, “time poverty.”  The article notes that many organizations reward and affirm busyness, perpetuating such a fast pace that employees have little time to find adequate solitude and rest to perform at their best. Studies show that extreme ...

Politically Correct Programs

2023-04-21T21:23:35-05:00May 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

The 2023 Freedom at Work Survey, performed by Ipsos, found that 42% of potential job seekers are much less likely to apply to work at a company whose work culture is hostile to their religious or political views. In my opinion, many workplace diversity programs are signaling employees that their personal religious views are secondary to the politically correct programs ...

The Snares of Success: Part IV

2023-03-04T10:57:20-06:00March 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing some of the snares that can surface when a business leader begins experiencing success. The snare I want to address today is privacy.  Seeking privacy is important for time of reflection and rest, but some leaders who begin experiencing success take privacy to an extreme. Some go into isolation due to personal insecurities; others choose ...

Office Politics at Its Worst

2023-01-28T10:20:01-06:00February 16th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Early in my career I observed a couple of guys who were both working hard to climb to the top of the corporate ladder. Over time, one of the two became a ruthless competitor. He would do anything to reach his goals.  Although these two were best friends, they eventually found themselves vying for one key position. The ruthless one ...

A Culture of Respect

2023-02-19T11:14:31-06:00September 1st, 2022|Tags: , , |

On August 11th, the day my mother passed, the funeral home sent someone to her memory care facility to take my mother’s body away. As I followed my mother’s body out, a parade of nurses and caregivers formed.   The entire crew who had devotedly cared for my mother stood quietly as her body was slid into a van. Some ...

A Big Happy Family

2022-04-04T14:41:28-05:00April 20th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In my opinion, one of the biggest complements a small business can receive, is that their culture feels like belonging to a family. Naturally, some families can be dysfunctional, but when times get tough, a family sticks together and helps each other.   In 1 Timothy 5:1, The Apostle Paul challenged the leaders of the church with the following directive, “Do ...

The Long-Lasting Poison of Gossip

2022-04-01T22:01:19-05:00April 4th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

A reporter recently falsified a story about a conversation that he claimed quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, had with his fiancé and brother. Mahomes supposedly asked them not to attend his football games. I shared this information with my wife only to later discover that the story had been discredited by Mahomes.   Soon thereafter, the reporter apologized for his false story. The ...

Altruists in the Workplace

2022-03-19T18:01:47-05:00February 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Altruism is when we act to promote someone else's welfare even at a risk or cost to ourselves. According to research conducted by the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2013, altruism in the workplace has many benefits. A Fast Company article highlighted some benefits of altruism. Altruists are more likely to help fellow employees, be more committed to their work, ...

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