Work/Life Balance

Overcoming Workaholism

2024-03-01T08:29:38-06:00March 6th, 2024|Tags: , , |

There was a time in my banking days when I struggled with workaholism. I was putting in long hours and constantly on my computer at home, rather than enjoying time with my family.  Looking back, I was trying to control my own destiny. I thought I had to push through my anxiety about the potential or desired results of my ...

Burnout Epidemic: Part II

2023-06-24T10:35:44-05:00July 11th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about the rising incidence of manager burnout. The Harvard Business Review discovered six key reasons behind this growing level of burnout.  The first cited reason is having an unsustainable workload. The pandemic negatively impacted staffing levels, increasing work for those remaining in their jobs.   This lack of staff has increased manager responsibilities. Burnout is inevitable ...

Burnout Epidemic: Part I

2023-06-24T10:24:34-05:00July 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, Microsoft performed a study and discovered that 53% of managers express burn out. Navigating the pandemic, inflation, and current culture wars, have taken its toll on our business communities.  A Harvard Business Review article dove into the reasons behind this level of burnout. Author, Christina Maslach, identified six core reasons.   This list includes: having an unsustainable workload, a perceived ...

Searching for Meaning

2023-06-23T11:37:51-05:00July 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Author, Bruce Feiler, wrote in the Wall Street Journal about his research on the search for meaningful work. As Feiler interviewed people from around the country, he asked each interviewee about the biggest turning points in their work lives.  Among those who said work transitions improved their lives, he discovered that six in ten interviewees earned the same, or less, ...


2023-05-19T12:38:08-05:00June 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

My friend, Sean Kouplen, recently released a new book called 94X with a simple concept. The average employee spends 160 hours in the workplace each month, while the average American only spends 1.7 hours a month in church.  Sean realized that when you do the math, 160 hours divided by 1.7 hours, employers have the attention of their employees 94 ...

Living Your Faith at Work: Part III

2023-05-05T16:12:55-05:00May 24th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Sportswriter, Terry Pluto, interviewed Pastor Chuck Myricks about his tips for living out your faith at work. Pastor Myricks’ sales experience at IBM and Word Records provided him with wisdom worth sharing.  One of Pastor Myricks’ tips is to be a good teammate. There are times when your teammates need help.   You need to be considered a team player. You’re ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part V

2023-04-29T19:50:13-05:00May 12th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed slowing down our culture of busyness. One idea the author recommends is to build slack into your system.  This article defined four practical steps that could help businesses build slack into their systems. The first step is budgeting for enhanced resources such as time, space, people, and equipment.  Secondly, you can reallocate your ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part IV

2023-04-22T10:34:28-05:00May 11th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed our increasing culture of busyness. Modeling the right behavior was one of their best ideas to help slow down the busyness.   Hard driving entrepreneurs are often known for working endless hours and rarely taking time off. This sends a message to the team that may undermine slowing down the busyness.  You can work ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part III

2023-04-22T10:27:18-05:00May 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed the culture of busyness that permeates the workforce. They had a few ideas for employers, to help slow down the busyness for employees.  One idea was to reward output rather than only activity. When Safelight switched their auto glass installers pay from hourly to pay based on the number of windshields installed, their ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part II

2023-04-22T10:16:43-05:00May 9th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed the culture of busyness that permeates the workforce. Social scientists have begun to call this malady, “time poverty.”  The article notes that many organizations reward and affirm busyness, perpetuating such a fast pace that employees have little time to find adequate solitude and rest to perform at their best. Studies show that extreme ...

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