
British Faith in the Workplace

2024-08-09T12:15:13-05:00July 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

The Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life conducted a recent study, revealing that 40% of British Christians prefer not to disclose their religious beliefs. More specific to the workplace, only 42% of those surveyed view religion in the workplace positively.  The bright spot in this study, however, is the younger generation. Only 30% of the 18- to ...

Words Can Destroy

2024-08-09T12:17:46-05:00July 1st, 2024|Tags: , , |

As we watch the presidential debates, the destructive power of an impulsive statement or speaking the wrong words becomes more evident. The more you are in the public eye, the more words matter.  Likewise, for business leaders who are often required to speak at team gatherings or public events, the choice of words can quickly destroy morale or people’s ...

Business Wisdom form James: Part IX

2024-08-09T20:16:16-05:00June 20th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Recently, the Christian Post reported an online feud between a comedian, D.L. Hughley, and Thaddeus Matthews, known popularly as the “Cussing Pastor.” The bizarre story reveals that Pastor Matthews called Hughley’s YouTube show.   Pastor Matthews then publicly cussed out Hughley, ironically, because the comedian had accused Pastor Matthews of cursing in his sermons.   In James 3:9 we read, “With ...

Business Wisdom from James: Part V

2024-08-09T20:33:57-05:00June 14th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A study by Mecham Western and Wood estimates that 40 million people regularly view pornography and 70% of pornography use is during work. Many claim that pornography use has negligible impact.   These researchers learned, however, that pornography use results in increased lying, sexual harassment, and dehumanizing others. In addition, a decline in business ethics.   Unfortunately, according to a past ...

The Religion of Whiteness

2024-10-12T14:53:21-05:00June 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Sociologists Michael Emerson and Glenn Bracey conducted a study surveying Christians of all races. They highlighted Bible passages that might impact different races, with a conclusion of how the passage might be applied.   They were surprised to discover that most Black, Asian, and Hispanic Christians affirmed their conclusions, but only 1/3 of white Christians concurred.   I have not yet ...

Companion of Fools

2024-10-12T15:22:55-05:00May 24th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Recently, a group of friends and I were reflecting on our junior high school years. Rick shared how grateful he was that he met up with our friend group back then.   Before meeting our group, Rick primarily talked with Mike, one of the wildest kids in our class. Had Rick continued hanging out with Mike’s group, Rick’s life might ...

Guarding Against Grifters: Part IV

2024-10-12T15:51:09-05:00May 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about guarding ourselves from Grifters.   The Christian Post recently interviewed actor, Kirk Cameron, about a new documentary called “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.” The documentary highlights Brian Peck, Cameron’s dialogue coach from when Cameron was a child actor on “Growing Pains.”   Peck was later convicted as a sexual offender ...

Guarding Against Grifters: Part I

2024-04-26T17:30:54-05:00May 6th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Unfortunately, Grifters love to use the church as their playground. If you’re not familiar with the word, Grifters are con men or women who are adept at reading people and exploiting their weaknesses.  Since there are a growing number of scandals of megachurch pastors who have been arrested or thrown out of their church for fraud or sexual impropriety, I ...

Dynamic Pricing

2024-10-12T15:53:14-05:00April 26th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Last month, Wendy’s floated the idea of using dynamic pricing. Just like Uber and many airlines, Wendy’s considered changing their food prices instantly based on high demand.   Imagine going to Wendy’s. When you arrive, you see a cheeseburger is $3 but there’s a long line. When you finally reach the front of the line the board says your sandwich ...

A Hint of Injustice

2024-10-12T15:54:57-05:00April 25th, 2024|Tags: , , |

California recently passed a law increasing the minimum wage for most fast-food restaurant employees. There was one exception, however; those restaurants who offer bread as a menu item.   Panera’s is one of the few restaurants that fit this exception. When it surfaced that the CEO of Panera’s had donated significantly to California Governor Newsom’s campaign, outrage surfaced.  Immediately there ...

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