
Situational Ethics

2021-12-31T15:25:39-06:00October 14th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Some borrowers who seemed to have strong ethics when I loaned them money suddenly became unethical when they felt they had no choice but to lie or cheat. One retail business owner talked about how important his word was to him. But when the owner’s business was failing, I caught him in several lies and discovered him selling our collateral ...

Five Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: Loving Accountability

2021-10-18T14:46:20-05:00September 10th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we are looking at five traits common to successful entrepreneurs. Today’s trait is Loving Accountability. Holding ourselves and our partners accountable is essential in launching a startup business. Successful entrepreneurs constantly monitor progress towards the goal, identify shortcomings and demand action to address root causes. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love. The unconventional ...

Careless Words

2021-10-20T14:48:42-05:00August 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

If you’re like me, you have likely allowed words to escape your lips that have caused far greater harm to someone else than you considered. A word of gossip, or a critical word, can undermine the credibility or reputation of the one you mentioned. When we learn of something said about us personally, it can cut us to the core, ...

The Power of Forgiveness

2021-11-17T14:00:11-06:00August 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Pastor Joe was surprised when the bank informed him that his bookkeeper was stealing money from the church. The bookkeeper was a recent widow struggling financially. When confronted with her crime, the Church’s bookkeeper was devastated with regret. She quickly agreed to a repayment plan. At great sacrifice, every month she made payments to repay the debt. Eventually the elders ...

Motives Matter

2021-11-17T14:32:50-06:00August 19th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Many companies have embraced tying their product to a noble cause by making charitable donations when their sales volume increases. Others have tied worker productivity to their philanthropy as well. Stephan Meier, a professor at Columbia Business School, however, has discovered that corporate philanthropy tied to worker productivity can sometimes backfire. An Economic Journal study discovered that when worker productivity ...


2021-11-18T13:36:03-06:00August 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Coach Tommy Bowden developed a system to help shape the character of his football players called CARDS. Today I want to talk about R for Responsibility. Responsibility and accountability go hand in hand. One of the biggest transitions for younger employees is the area of responsibility. It’s a sign of maturity when employees assume responsibility and complete their required tasks. ...


2021-11-18T13:38:46-06:00August 10th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Coach Tommy Bowden developed a system to help shape the character of his football players called CARDS. Today I want to talk about the A for Accountability. Tommy points out that some basic skills that used to be taught in the home, like time management, are not as prevalent today. Many young people today are raised in undisciplined homes with ...

Religious Dones

2022-04-06T19:52:00-05:00July 21st, 2021|Tags: , , |

Philip Schwadel and Sam Hardy wrote in The Conversation about the connection between religion and morals. They studied the question, “When someone quits their religion, does it have a residual effect on their morals?” They categorized people into “consistently religious,” the “religious dones” and the “consistently nonreligious.” The “religious dones” are people who have left their faith. When the researchers ...

Supply Chain Communication

2022-04-18T11:59:12-05:00June 16th, 2021|Tags: , , |

A common problem I’ve heard this year from small business owners is supply chain issues. Many businesses are dependent upon suppliers to produce the finished products that their customers need. This year the supply chain has been disrupted for multiple reasons. Sometimes due to a shortage of microchips or materials in high demand. Other times it’s due to the long ...

The Slow Wheels of Justice

2022-04-22T20:58:27-05:00June 4th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In 1978, four men broke into a home in Kansas City and killed three people. For over 40 years, Kevin Strickland has been incarcerated in a Missouri prison for those three murders, which he didn’t commit. Two men admitted their guilt, but both were adamant that Strickland was not with them. The only evidence that convicted Strickland was Cynthia Douglas, ...

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