Hebrews 12

Helicopter Parents

2023-07-14T11:06:17-05:00July 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

The Wall Street Journal recently featured an article about a growing trend of parents being overly involved in their children’s efforts to secure a job or navigate their career. One mother actually came into the workplace to mediate a conflict for their child.  Other mothers have accompanied their adult children to job interviews! We’ve heard in the past about ...

Cancelling Columbus

2023-04-07T20:52:05-05:00October 16th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, many in our culture have worked hard to cancel our past heroes. Christopher Columbus has gone from being praised for discovering the Americas, to being cancelled for his flaws.  If we only praise those with spotless pasts, we will have no role models to emulate. Moses was a murderer, and David was a murderer and adulterer, yet, they ...

Better Training

2023-02-18T16:17:39-06:00August 19th, 2022|Tags: , , |

After my father’s passing, I made many phone calls to secure my mother’s survivor benefits. During one call, I talked to a woman with a thick foreign accent who seemed uncertain what information to gather.  For almost an hour she asked me the same questions multiple times.   Just when I thought we were wrapping up, she blurted out, “I have ...


2021-11-18T13:33:12-06:00August 12th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Coach Tommy Bowden developed a system to help shape the character of his football players called CARDS. The D stands for Discipline. Many interns or younger employees have not had as much opportunity to apply discipline to their life. This can require patience on your part. By helping your team members to establish good habits, you will help them to ...

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