Appreciate Others

Unspoken Communication

2022-03-14T13:15:35-05:00December 29th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

At 17 months old, my granddaughter, Addy, has a small vocabulary, but she still communicates effectively. Recently, Addy mischievously smiled and pointed to our Echo device. She said, “Poppa,” then began dancing to tell me she wanted me to turn on the music. Only one word was spoken, but I clearly knew what she wanted. In business, sometimes your staff ...

Gods View on Competition: Part IV

2022-03-02T19:37:56-06:00December 16th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Politics can be a vicious sport. When one party wins an important election, there’s traditionally an acceptance speech that declares and celebrates the victory. However, it’s not uncommon after the victory for some members of the winning party to begin to gloat publicly about their opponent’s defeat. Unfortunately, this happens in business at times as well. Some people are so ...

Gods View on Competition: Part III

2022-03-02T19:34:50-06:00December 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Early in my ministry, I became jealous of another ministry leader. While his ministry was growing and flourishing, I became critical of his work due to my jealousy. Eventually, I realized that God wanted my best, without being concerned about other people’s successes. I apologized to this leader and chose to focus on my stewardship, not others. Competition can become ...

Honoring Our Veterans

2022-01-12T13:38:43-06:00November 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

One thing I love about attending Kansas City Royals baseball games is when military veterans are spotlighted. When the audience cheers for the veteran of the day, it’s a great reminder of this nation’s past and its admiration for its veterans! The gratitude in these veteran’s faces is heartwarming. These brave soldiers are men and women called to serve our ...

Be Forewarned

2022-01-01T15:19:44-06:00November 8th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Years ago, our son’s psychiatrist forewarned us that Jeremy would likely struggle during Daylight Savings Time. Jeremy, like many young adults with autism, struggles emotionally in the fall with time changes and allergies. By being forewarned, it was easier for us to be patient and to help Jeremy navigate the oncoming fall season. In our workplaces, it’s likely that we ...

A Nonstop Talker

2022-01-01T15:03:16-06:00November 4th, 2021|Tags: , , |

On a flight back to Kansas City, I was seated next to an entrepreneur who talked nonstop. For the next hour, I listened to this businessman talk about his business. By listening intently, I built trust with him. Suddenly he blurted out, “I had leukemia four years ago. Yesterday the doctors told me they think my leukemia is back.” I ...

Who Do You Represent?

2022-01-01T14:48:36-06:00November 2nd, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Recently, I attended an event featuring Dr. Tony Evans. Dr. Evans described God’s preferred role for Christians in the race relations struggle by using a football analogy. During a football game, there are two teams who are in conflict by design. The referees, however, work for the National Football League. On the field, they are required to set aside their ...

Out of Town Travel

2022-01-01T14:11:01-06:00October 27th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

During my first summer in public accounting, my CPA firm assigned me to work much of the summer in Georgia. Our Atlanta office needed dozens of staff people for a government audit. Instead of assigning me three straight months in Georgia, they graciously allowed me to work for two weeks, then home for two weeks, throughout the summer. This enabled ...

No Regrets Living: Part IV

2021-12-31T15:46:15-06:00October 21st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the different seasons of life and how to live them with purpose and no regrets. The 4th quarter of life is typically those who are 60-80 years old. This is the season to turn your attention from yourself to others. It’s time to leave a legacy. Leaving a spiritual and financial legacy is a worthwhile ...

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