1 Peter

Respecting Religious Viewpoints

2023-04-21T21:11:11-05:00May 4th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

The 2023 Freedom at Work Survey, performed by Ipsos, identified several areas of concern for many employees in the workplace. Sixty-four percent of those surveyed claim that respectfully expressing their political viewpoints at work would “likely or somewhat likely” carry negative consequences on their employment.  Interestingly, for those who were asked about expressing their religious viewpoints, 60% thought it would ...

A Compassionate Team

2022-04-01T21:50:45-05:00April 1st, 2022|Tags: , , |

When Russia attacked Ukraine, the world quickly saw the injustice of this unprovoked attack and rallied to condemn Russia while providing support to Ukraine. Hearts all over the world were heavy for the people of Ukraine, causing thousands to show compassion in a variety of ways.  In business, there are also times when a team member is going through a ...

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