Problem Solving

Divergent Thinking

2021-01-15T00:04:52-06:00January 13th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In Mark Batterson’s book, “Whisper,” he references a study on “divergent thinking.” Divergent thinking is “the ability to generate creative ideas by exploring possible solutions.” A Head Start study tested children on their divergent thinking ability. Ninety-eight percent of children ages three to five “scored in the genius category for divergent thinking.” Ten years later, it was down to ten ...

Dazed and Confused

2020-12-28T10:50:47-06:00December 29th, 2020|Tags: , , |

A recent article by Business News Daily stated, “Small businesses are hit especially hard during government shutdowns, since they have limited resources to rely on compared to corporations.” Small businesses are facing challenging days. These challenges are not too big for God. Challenges are opportunities to see God work miracles. In fact, Psalm 9:9-10 reminds us, “The Lord is a ...

Resiliency is the New Strategy

2020-09-08T02:10:13-05:00September 11th, 2020|Tags: , , |

A recent article by Fortune magazine business experts claims, “Many companies will need to rebalance their priorities, making additional resiliency measures as important to their strategic thinking as cost and efficiency.” Resiliency, due to coronavirus, is finding its way to the top of the priority list of strategic plans of businesses across the nation. Resiliency requires a level of flexibility ...

Work Stressors, Part III

2020-03-20T15:17:07-05:00March 25th, 2020|Tags: , , |

The American Psychological Association recently surveyed workers to determine what causes them the most work stress. The third highest stressor for employees is heavy workload. 42% of workers surveyed, claim they are stressed due to a perceived heavy workload. In Exodus 18, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, was a wise leader who helped Moses overcome Moses’ heavy workload. In Exodus 18:17 we ...

Rebuilding Your Reputation, Part IV

2020-02-13T00:49:40-06:00February 13th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In this series, we are discussing how to rebuild your reputation. The Apostle Paul modeled three steps he took to rebuild his reputation. The final step Paul used was to find an advocate. Jesus’ disciples didn’t want to meet, hear or see Paul. He had been their arch enemy. Fortunately for Paul, he found an advocate in Barnabas. In Acts ...

Cyber Monday Boundaries

2019-11-25T16:13:56-06:00December 2nd, 2019|Tags: , , |

According to, Cyber Monday has become the biggest shopping day of the year. For the workplace that means less productivity, because 95% of consumers do their Cyber Monday shopping at work! For employers, you have three choices. First, you can ignore the issue and allow your employees to shop online unhindered. (This choice can be costly because some consumers ...

Gray Friday

2019-11-25T15:25:56-06:00November 29th, 2019|Tags: , , |

According to, the first person to reference the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday was Earl Apfelbaum, in 1966. Earl claimed that the Philadelphia Police called it Black Friday because of massive traffic jams and overcrowded sidewalks. Now, decades later, many department stores are closing and in-store sales are declining, Black Friday is becoming more of a Gray Friday ...

A New Venture That Worked

2019-11-25T15:05:52-06:00November 28th, 2019|Tags: , , |

In 1621, the Pilgrims found themselves in dire straits. When they settled in Plymouth, they were malnourished and ill, unfamiliar with the area and struggling to survive. Then God brought them Squanto. Squanto took pity on the Pilgrims and helped them establish a new business venture—a farming operation that specialized in corn, a product unfamiliar to the Pilgrims. Waiting and ...

Prison and Work, Part I

2019-11-12T14:15:39-06:00November 18th, 2019|Tags: , , |

The State of Kansas was a pioneer in allowing private industry to hire prison labor. Many prisoners work for the state making license plates for about $.50 per hour. Working for private industry, however, is different. I toured the Hutchinson, Kansas prison recently and a private company housed inside the prison called Seat King. Seat King has worked out a ...

Creative Alternatives

2019-07-21T22:49:56-05:00July 22nd, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Each Saturday, I take our son to his restaurant of choice for lunch. Often times, his choice is Chick-fil-a.  Over the last several months, their drive through has been frequently backed-up for a block or more, causing traffic problems. Last week was different.  As I pulled in, I realized that Chick-fil-a had made a change. Rather than accepting their situation, ...

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