Business Model

Reopening Part III: Restart Your Business Model

2020-06-02T22:14:06-05:00June 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , |

In this series, we are looking at what we can learn from entrepreneurs about restarting our businesses post-lockdown. A business model is “a representation of how an organization makes money." Startups focus on business models because they need to find a way to be profitable. The business model your company established long ago may now no longer work. A business ...

Gray Friday

2019-11-25T15:25:56-06:00November 29th, 2019|Tags: , , |

According to, the first person to reference the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday was Earl Apfelbaum, in 1966. Earl claimed that the Philadelphia Police called it Black Friday because of massive traffic jams and overcrowded sidewalks. Now, decades later, many department stores are closing and in-store sales are declining, Black Friday is becoming more of a Gray Friday ...

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