
Irrational Fears

2020-10-07T02:46:07-05:00October 7th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Daily COVID news has pounded us for months. For many, this hyper media focus has surfaced many rational and irrational fears. A friend has become overwhelmed with fear about COVID, which has led to hoarding and hibernation. This savvy businessperson has become so gripped with fear that they now plan to sell their business, convinced that the business exposes them ...

Limitations vs. Opportunities

2020-05-06T03:26:32-05:00May 6th, 2020|Tags: , , |

It’s fascinating how two people can see and experience the same situation and come away with completely different perspectives. As I’ve been discussing the impact of the coronavirus with business leaders, I frequently hear a surprising, but optimistic, view! Some business leaders look at problems with positive attitudes, looking for opportunities amid the trials in life. Others, however, only see ...

Called Outside of Church

2019-11-12T14:19:02-06:00November 7th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Recently, Pete Greig, author of Red Moon Rising, shared a personal story with me. Pete has a friend, I’ll call Tim. As a seasoned teacher, Tim’s pastor urged Tim to lead their Sunday School program. When Tim finally agreed, the pastor publicly prayed over Tim for surrendering to his call to teach youth. Tim was angry. He had faithfully taught ...

A Dimmed Perspective

2018-08-30T10:32:36-05:00September 28th, 2018|Tags: , , |

For several weeks one of the overhead lights in my office area had dimmed dramatically. Although I knew it needed replaced, I grew accustomed to the darker setting. One evening, maintenance changed the light. The next morning, I was amazed as to how well I could see my work. It not only gave me a better view; the changed light ...

An Adventurous Age

2018-08-29T16:36:48-05:00September 20th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Tom Hill, my friend in St. Louis, is an inspiration for many. His sense of adventure at 83 years old is remarkable. Tom runs fifteen miles each week and he recently registered for a marathon. His Eagle Summit conference inspires hundreds of leaders and Tom travels frequently, encouraging others. Tom reminds me of Caleb. In Joshua 14, Caleb said, “I ...

Equipped for Work

2018-08-29T14:30:45-05:00September 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , |

According to Baylor University’s “National Survey of Work, Entrepreneurship and Religion,” churches would be more fruitful if they emphasized the integration of faith and work. The survey revealed that “full-time workers who regularly attend a congregation that highlights faith at work, experience higher job satisfaction and job commitment.” Very few churches spend much time teaching their members to apply scripture ...

A Really Cold Sales Call

2018-08-16T14:37:41-05:00August 31st, 2018|Tags: , , |

Mark was selling roofing jobs door to door in a city with a recent hailstorm. He and a sales trainee came upon a house where an elderly man had slammed the door on Mark previously. The sales trainee persisted until Mark agreed to let him try again. Mark prepared himself for an ugly confrontation, but he wasn’t prepared for what ...


2018-08-16T14:22:07-05:00August 29th, 2018|Tags: , , |

In the business world, hopes are placed in many different items. Some people hope in their retirement plan, others put their hope in profitability, and for some their hope lies in power or influence. The problem with those kinds of hope is when your wealth or power suffers hope quickly disappears. When people lose hope, they become rudderless. Fortunately, when ...

Naps at Work

2018-08-16T13:47:32-05:00August 24th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Have you considered allowing naps at work? Here are four observations from Phil Struble on workplace naps. A good night’s sleep before showing up for work is a must. Are your employee's work engagements overly tiring? Increase in productivity is the reason for allowing naps. Workday naps are a realistic alternative to a stressful work environment. God is concerned about ...

Swerving Towards Truth

2018-08-05T20:43:41-05:00August 16th, 2018|Tags: , , |

One reason I subscribe to Harvard Business Review is because of their thorough research. It’s amazing how frequently their research can swerve into the truth, even when they don’t give credit to where truth comes from. Let me explain. A recent cover story in the Harvard Business Review was titled, “When Work Has Meaning.” The author’s research led to the ...

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