Matthew 16

The Entrepreneurial Penalty

2024-05-30T21:38:13-05:00June 27th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A Rutgers University study discovered that 60% of recruiters responded less favorably to the mock resume of former entrepreneurs with comparable levels of education and experience.  In addition, research from the London Business School discovered that former entrepreneurs are 35% less likely to get a job interview, often called the Entrepreneurship Penalty.  Some entrepreneurs can be independent and struggle to ...

Chatbot – the New Frontier: Part I

2023-02-24T19:21:25-06:00March 6th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When Chatbot GPT launched their new app in late 2022 artificial intelligence was taken to a whole new level. In two months, Chatbot surpassed all other apps with over 100 million monthly users!   Even Bill Gates says that Chatbot GPT will change our world. Chatbot GPT can create content, answer questions, complete sentences, provide entertainment, and enhance customer service.  Since ...

Passing the Baton: Lesson I

2022-12-26T12:13:56-06:00January 9th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When I ran track in high school, I learned that relay races are won or lost during the handoff of the baton. In November, Disney terminated their CEO, Bob Chapek, and brought back Bob Iger, their previous CEO.   Although there was a lot of focus on Chapek’s failures, in my opinion the biggest failure was Iger’s mistakes. Iger was the ...


2022-03-15T21:17:49-05:00January 19th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

Rachel began with UBN as an intern, but her amazing skills resulted in her eventual advancement to Operations Manager. Unfortunately for UBN, Rachel’s longer-term plan was to enter public accounting. Rachel helped me identify an amazing replacement. Then, she developed and executed an onboarding plan to assure that our new Operations Manager had the knowledge and tools needed to excel ...

The New Oil

2022-04-22T21:04:03-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , |

In 1973, America’s dependence upon other nations for oil led to skyrocketing gas prices, gas rationing and international tensions with the Middle East. The oil crisis dramatically impacted our culture and economy. In the 2020s, microchips may become the new oil. Phones, automobiles and computers have made us dependent upon chip manufacturers. On “60 Minutes,” Intel’s CEO claimed that the ...

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