Joshua 7

Navigating Sin in Your Camp: Part IV

2023-10-15T00:19:33-05:00October 26th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the phases Joshua went through to address sin in his camp. When you’ve discovered the source of the problem, now it’s time to determine the punishment.   In Joshua’s case, the punishment of stoning Achan and his family seems harsh. But we need to remember that God’s warning in the beginning was clear; anyone that ...

Navigating Sin in Your Camp: Part III

2023-10-15T00:10:12-05:00October 25th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the phases Joshua experienced to address sin in his camp. When you sense sin is hindering your business’ progress, next is the discovery phase.  It’s time to pray. Pray that God reveals to you what is going on and who may be at the heart of the problem.   Don’t forget to examine your own life. ...

Navigating Sin in Your Camp: Part II

2023-10-14T23:58:32-05:00October 24th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the phases Joshua navigated to address sin in his camp. The first phase was a proactive warning to employees.  Even after the warning, someone will sin and there will be consequences, which becomes phase two.  Years ago, I served on a ministry board. This ministry was highly unproductive, and the board could sense something was ...

Sin in Your Camp

2023-10-14T23:43:40-05:00October 20th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As an employer, the story of Achan’s sin in the book of Joshua has troubled me. Joshua didn’t know that one of his soldiers had violated God’s command, yet Joshua suffered the loss of thirty-six men in battle because of Achan.  All Israel suffered for one man’s sin. But God didn’t punish Israel, He withdrew His favor.   Joshua 7:12 says, ...

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