John 21

Living Your Faith at Work: Part IV

2023-05-05T16:30:34-05:00May 25th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Sportswriter, Terry Pluto, interviewed Pastor Chuck Myricks about his tips for living out your faith at work. Our last tip of Pastor Myricks is to get to know people as people.   Pastor Myricks points out that everyone experiences trials. It may be a sickness or a family member’s death. During these times, a kind word or even a prayer are ...

Passing the Baton: Lesson V

2022-12-26T20:33:43-06:00January 12th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re identifying lessons from Jesus on passing the baton to future leaders. One of those lessons relates to failure.  When you groom leaders for the future, they are going to make mistakes. Those mistakes may undermine your trust in them.  However, failure is the best lesson plan if one is to learn the lesson.   Peter betrayed Jesus. ...

Overcoming Shame

2022-10-28T16:29:56-05:00November 21st, 2022|Tags: , , |

I’ve made my share of business mistakes over the years. Sometimes the scars of those mistakes leave shame and doubt.   Questions surface in my head like, “Was I listening properly to God?” or, “Do I have a clue what I’m doing?”   Peter carried shame after he denied Jesus on three different occasions. Jesus brilliantly knew Peter needed to be forgiven ...

Mind Your Own Business

2023-04-07T16:30:04-05:00September 28th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Jealousy has caused many conflicts in the workplace. When a peer gets a promotion, it’s hard not to wonder why you didn’t get the promotion.  Even Jesus’s disciples were not immune to the temptation of jealousy. In John 21, Jesus was sharing with Peter about how Peter’s death would glorify God. When Peter saw the apostle John nearby, Peter ...


2022-05-08T15:16:17-05:00April 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

On inauguration day, President Biden proclaimed he was going to administer 100 million vaccine doses in 100 days. The day of that pronouncement, the former administration administered 1.5 million vaccines and the previous week’s average was 966,000 doses a day. Many might call this “sandbagging.” Sandbagging is when you lower expectations so that you can exceed your goal later. In ...

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