
The Snares of Success: Part III

2023-03-13T21:16:20-05:00March 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing some of the snares that can surface when a business leader begins experiencing success. One common snare is power.  As business leaders grow in success, they also tend to grow in power, which can easily corrupt.  Harvey Weinstein had the power to create or destroy actresses. He abused his power to force many women to ...

A Double Life

2023-03-03T16:31:04-06:00March 21st, 2023|Tags: , , |

As a rebellious teenager, I lived a double life. My family required that I attend church every Sunday, even though I despised going.    At church, I became masterful at saying and doing the right things. Whenever I was outside the church, however, the real Rick Boxx surfaced. My drinking and carousing would have appalled our church leaders.   Many people ...

Chatbot – the New Frontier: Part V

2023-02-24T20:22:53-06:00March 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

n this series we’re discussing the risks and rewards of Chatbot GPT and related technology. When implementing or using chatbot technology, there are significant moral and ethical concerns.  If Chatbot’s data input has bias or discrimination, its output will be biased or discriminatory as well. This can undermine our Christian values.  Many concerns are also surfacing about plagiarism. Some pastors ...

Abraham Lincoln’s Wisdom

2023-02-17T21:11:08-06:00February 17th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In memory of Abraham Lincoln’s February 12th birthday, it seems appropriate to focus on one of his famous quotes. President Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is and the tree is the real thing.”  Our online world now has businesses focused on repairing or modifying reputations. ...

A Raw Apology

2023-02-10T21:16:17-06:00February 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

According to the Wall Street Journal, Graza, a startup that sells squeezable bottles of olive oil, recently had a packaging and delivery problem that negatively impacted thousands of customers.  The CEO, Andrew Benin, did not hire a consultant, instead he drafted a raw apology email to 35,000 customers. The key to his apology was that he personally and sincerely ...

What is Cheating?

2023-01-27T15:54:36-06:00February 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A friend of mine is a Dean of a business school. Recently, he shared with me that one of his more common problems with freshmen students is plagiarism.  When he asks his students to write an essay, it’s become common for some of them to turn in a paper that was produced for them online. What troubles my friend the ...

George Santos’ Deceptions

2023-01-24T16:30:47-06:00February 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

George Santos was recently elected as a Congressman. Unfortunately, his resume was not vetted, allowing Mr. Santos the opportunity to easily deceive the voters of New York.  According to The New York Times, Santos claimed to have graduated from Baruch College and New York University and, that he more than doubled revenue as a project manager at Goldman Sachs.  But ...

A Tarnished Legacy

2022-12-26T12:04:49-06:00January 6th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I received an email from the daughter of a Christian author I met years ago. The email said, “If you knew my father, visit this website.”   Instead of a tribute to his passing, this website was a diatribe by his daughter on what an adulterous and hypocritical man her father had been. There are two sides to every story, ...

Embracing Transparent Pricing

2022-12-26T11:30:28-06:00January 3rd, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Airbnb recently announced a new pricing strategy. Airbnb customers have been complaining about the company’s lack of transparent pricing, so Airbnb decided to embrace a more transparent model.   If you review some past pricing studies, this is a risky, although more ethical, move. According to the Wall Street Journal, Stubhub discovered that 13% more people bought tickets when the pricing ...

A New Beginning

2022-12-26T09:57:04-06:00January 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

King Josiah discovered the Word of God. It had been lost in the temple for years. After studying it Josiah was grieved at how far his people had strayed. It was time for a new beginning. In 2 Kings 23:3, we read, “The king stood by the pillar and renewed the covenant in the presence of the LORD—to follow the ...

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