Hiring and Firing Practices

Nehemiah’s Five Steps to Success: Part III

2024-11-25T08:31:34-06:00December 11th, 2024|Tags: , , |

This week we’re examining 5 steps Nehemiah implemented to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. After he cast a compelling vision for the people, his third step was to “Leverage the Right Leaders.”  In Nehemiah’s day, the High Priest was very powerful. If the High Priest didn’t participate, few would follow. Along with the high priest, the local business leaders were also very ...

The 4 Cs of Hiring: Part V

2024-08-09T11:14:19-05:00August 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

Wayne, the son of a professional football owner, shared his story at a conference I attended about the importance of hiring those with whom you have a good chemistry. His father had narrowed down a hiring decision between two great candidates for a key position within his football organization. But he was having trouble deciding between the two candidates.  ...

The 4 Cs of Hiring: Part IV

2024-08-09T11:15:47-05:00August 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

This week I’ve been teaching on the 4 C’s of Hiring. After you’ve investigated someone’s character and discovered whether or not they’re called and passionate about your mission, then it’s important to select the most competent.   Competence is third on my list because many skills can be taught if they have strong character and passion. Nevertheless, finding and hiring ...

The 4 Cs of Hiring: Part III

2024-08-09T11:18:51-05:00August 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

In 2014, Amazon began a Pay-to-Quit program.  Annually, “fulfillment center” employees had the opportunity to quit and get paid up to $5,000.   This was Amazon’s attempt to address the importance of Calling, in what I call the “4 C’s of Hiring.” In addition to Character it’s important you hire those who are called, or feel passionate, about your company’s ...

The 4 Cs of Hiring: Part II

2024-08-09T11:20:55-05:00August 20th, 2024|Tags: , , |

When employers hire someone, they often reverse the order of what I call the “4 C’s of Hiring;” Character, Calling, Competence, and Chemistry. Many search for those people who have a resume and experience in the position looking to be filled. Once the list of competent people is narrowed, many select the one they like the best.   A better ...

The 4 Cs of Hiring: Part I

2024-08-09T11:22:37-05:00August 19th, 2024|Tags: , , |

One of the most basic problems in business is assuring we have the right people in the right positions.  Moses was “burned out” judging all the Israelite conflicts. His father-in-law, Jethro, gave him wise counsel in Exodus 18.   “Teach them (God’s) decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. ...

The Entrepreneurial Penalty

2024-08-09T12:22:39-05:00June 27th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A Rutgers University study discovered that 60% of recruiters responded less favorably to the mock resume of former entrepreneurs with comparable levels of education and experience.  In addition, research from the London Business School discovered that former entrepreneurs are 35% less likely to get a job interview, often called the Entrepreneurship Penalty.  Some entrepreneurs can be independent and struggle ...

Faith Within

2024-10-12T15:04:35-05:00May 30th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Michael Zigarelli, a professor at Messiah University in Pennsylvania, spoke at a God in the Workplace event recently. One of the simple, but profound, insights Mr. Zigarelli reportedly shared was “the starting point for faith at work is faith within.”  Michael stated that Chick-fil-a doesn’t have a company policy requiring employees to go the extra mile. Instead, Chick-fil-a hires ...

A Biblical Approach to Performance Reviews: Part IV

2024-10-12T15:24:51-05:00May 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave performance reviews to seven churches. Jesus provided us a good format for our employee’s performance reviews.  Regardless of how bad these churches had acted, Jesus finished his final section with hope and encouragement. Jesus wanted what was best for them, so He closed His letters with the benefits and rewards possible, if ...

A Biblical Approach to Performance Reviews: Part III

2024-10-12T15:26:43-05:00May 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave performance reviews to seven churches. In the third section of the letters, Jesus identified corrections needed and potential consequences.   Jesus demanded they repent from their inappropriate actions, and shared what the consequences might be.  There are times that our employees act badly or engage in activity that is harmful. This needs to ...

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