
Columbus Day Reflection

2021-12-31T15:06:01-06:00October 11th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

You have to admire Christopher Columbus’ adventurous spirit. He persistently pursued his dream of sailing to what he believed was the West Indies. Although he set sail with faulty assumptions of the circumference of the earth, it still took a great deal of courage to set out on a journey no one had yet traveled. According to Brainyquote.com, Columbus wrote, ...

The Secret Weapon

2021-10-20T14:41:11-05:00August 26th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

When Dan became a medical director, he had big dreams of making changes to the hospital’s processes and procedures. His recommendations were so radical that one of his peers urged him to reconsider. Dan’s friend was confident that Dan’s unconventional approaches would result in Dan’s termination. But Dan had a secret weapon. Dan married into an extremely wealthy family. Dan ...

Hiding Your Faith

2021-11-18T14:40:02-06:00August 4th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

“Hiding me – Why I don’t discuss my faith with my colleagues” is a raw article posted on chemistanddruggist.co.uk. The anonymous writer, labeled The Dispenser, is a pharmacist who has chosen to be private at work with their faith. The Dispenser fears being judged for going to church and believing in God. The article is sad because you can sense ...

Confront Your Fears

2022-04-06T19:13:52-05:00July 28th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Jim had a very successful business career. He rose to the top of Corporate America, eventually becoming the CEO of a publicly traded company. At that company, Jim turned a struggling business into a very prosperous company, flourishing year after year. When asked by a mutual friend, “To what actions do you credit your success?” Jim said, “I did the ...

Bold as Lions

2022-04-10T15:19:03-05:00July 16th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Over the years, I’ve met business owners who understand their life is supposed to glorify God, yet their employees are totally unaware of their bosses’ God given purpose. This is often due to fear on the boss’ part. Sometimes we fear being sued or fear scaring off potential employees. Frank Harrison is different. Frank is the CEO of Coca Cola ...

Irrational Fears

2020-10-07T02:46:07-05:00October 7th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Daily COVID news has pounded us for months. For many, this hyper media focus has surfaced many rational and irrational fears. A friend has become overwhelmed with fear about COVID, which has led to hoarding and hibernation. This savvy businessperson has become so gripped with fear that they now plan to sell their business, convinced that the business exposes them ...

The Perils of Panic

2020-05-01T03:45:46-05:00May 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

When the Coronavirus first became public, I was in Costco visiting with a store manager. He said, “What a day. We had a run on toilet paper!” “Why are people hoarding toilet paper?” I asked. “This virus doesn’t impact the stomach.” His only explanation was that panic had swept our country. Panic means a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without ...

Transparency in a Crisis

2020-04-02T14:38:16-05:00April 6th, 2020|Tags: , , |

When China discovered the coronavirus in December 2019, they had a choice to make. They could try to bury the news, or they could be transparent and address the problem publicly. Unfortunately, they decided to try to bury the virus for six weeks. If handled transparently, those six weeks could have prevented thousands of lost lives. When crises surface in ...

Fear and Panic

2020-04-02T08:00:13-05:00April 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , |

Some friends of ours were struggling in their business enough that they were considering bankruptcy. They prayerfully chose instead to push forward. Just as they were beginning to experience a measure of business success, the coronavirus devastated their industry and some future opportunities. Fear and panic overwhelmed them. Many small business owners live on the edge with very little margin. ...

Sudden Disaster

2020-04-02T07:51:58-05:00April 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

Kathy and I began this ministry in 2001. Since then, we watched the United States change when two planes crashed into the World Trade Center. While the stock market was crashing in 2008, we hosted an event in Dallas. Fear overwhelmed many leaders attending that day. This year, the coronavirus has engulfed the world with fear. The stock market collapsed ...

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