
A Courageous Explorer

2019-10-09T15:22:55-05:00October 14th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Christopher Columbus was an explorer and innovator. He had a theory. He believed he could sail west, instead of east, to reach India. No one had ever attempted this approach and his flawed theory could have resulted in a disastrous outcome. Columbus chose to be courageous and follow his dream. Although he did not find India, Columbus’ courageous adventure resulted ...

Hopeless Circumstances

2019-10-09T15:22:56-05:00October 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Our circumstances sometimes are so bleak that we can’t see the possibilities God has in mind for us. Moses told the Hebrew slaves that despite being in slavery for 400 years, God was about to release them. But Moses’ first attempt to reason with Pharaoh resulted in Pharaoh punishing the slaves by making their work even harder. The Israelites became ...

Foolishness or Faith?

2019-10-09T15:22:57-05:00September 30th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

When I left banking to begin helping business leaders integrate their faith into their business life, I received a letter from a business colleague.  His letter basically said, “Rick, you’re a fool. Your idea is crazy, and your family will starve. Stop before it’s too late.” Many years later, that colleague apologized and commended the faith it took to launch ...

A Convicted Christian

2019-08-13T09:29:10-05:00August 22nd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Working with thousands of business leaders, I love how each person has their own unique way of expressing their faith. Some are very direct through their company mission statement or their marketing approaches. Other business leaders are more subtle, possibly by describing the values they believe in, leading you to ask why. Unfortunately, some are so stealth that you may ...


2019-07-30T16:36:03-05:00August 16th, 2019|Tags: , , |

A recent article from the Small Business Chronicles states, “cash scarcity is common for small businesses.” Due to capital expenditures, supply chain disruptions, competitive labor costs and more, cash flow in many cases can be lean.  When things get tight, there may be a temptation to withhold paying what is due. Proverbs 11:24 says, “One gives freely, yet grows all ...

A Miraculous Breakthrough, Part II

2019-06-04T11:39:00-05:00June 18th, 2019|Tags: , , |

In the movie, “Breakthrough,” teenager John Smith drowned in Lake St. Louis, but miraculously recovered. The first doctor who treated John wrote in his medical records: “Patient dead. Mother prayed. Patient came back to life.”  I’m sure many doctors wrestle with how much of healing comes from their work, and/or the medications prescribed, versus God’s handiwork. John Smith’s doctor witnessed some ...

A Miraculous Breakthrough, Part I

2019-07-02T10:41:05-05:00June 17th, 2019|Tags: , , |

The recent movie, “Breakthrough,” is a true story about John Smith, a teenager who drowned in Lake St. Louis. Miraculously, God restored life to John. During one scene, the doctor had given up hope on John’s recovery. While warning John’s parents of John’s impending death, John’s mother became indignant. She told the doctor, “I understand you’re a world renown specialist. ...

A Business Dedication

2019-03-12T16:33:18-05:00March 19th, 2019|Tags: , , |

When Jeff began leading his family’s 4th generation business, he was anxious, knowing that most businesses never last beyond the 3rd generation. He worked hard, but nothing seemed to succeed. The business struggled and Jeff began feeling like a failure. Desperate, Jeff bowed down on the shop room floor and dedicated his business to God. Soon thereafter the business began ...

Tear Down That Wall

2019-03-11T00:12:54-05:00March 11th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Some business partners I know were professed Christians, but they kept having disagreements about how their faith should be reflected in their business. One partner was adamant that their faith should be separate. During a heated exchange, the one partner who was reticent about his faith blurted out, “My father taught me that business is business and faith is faith. ...

Sin and Confession

2019-02-24T22:05:56-06:00February 25th, 2019|Tags: , , |

When I was a boy, we attended a church where most weeks we heard about our sin and our need for repentance. Our pastor’s messages elicited guilt, conviction, but also a desire to change. Many people were saved, but the sermons caused some to fear God in a way that was unhealthy. Today, many churches rarely discuss sin and repentance. ...

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