Jeremiah 29

Prayer Is the Core

2022-10-21T14:49:39-05:00November 7th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, Alex Kendrick, of the Kendrick Brothers movie production company, shared with our team several stories of the importance of prayer to their movie production. For a two-year movie development process, they dedicate months on the front end to pray as a team to assure they have God’s direction on the story and script for their upcoming movie.   The Kendrick ...

Father Wounds

2022-04-17T16:42:25-05:00June 18th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Some of the deepest emotional wounds come from fathers. Children want desperately to be loved by their father. When they don’t feel loved, their pain can spill over into careers. Sometimes children become workaholics to win their father’s approval. Other times they underperform because they’re convinced they will never win their father’s approval. Fortunately, we have a heavenly Father who ...

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