
Making Others Stronger

2021-01-18T22:53:44-06:00January 25th, 2021|Tags: , , |

When Roger introduced me to his friend, Bob, he forewarned me that “Bob is a firecracker.” When Bob called, our conversation took off like a rocket! For over one-hour Bob talked at a pace and a passion that could easily be exhausting, but instead, his stories of God’s amazing power energized me. He blessed and encouraged my faith journey. The ...

Work From Home Challenges: Isolation

2020-10-15T23:53:12-05:00October 16th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Isolation is a real and tangible result of working from home. With isolation comes the risk of lethargy, depression and addiction. A recent article by Teamwork encourages teammates working from home to “reach out to the people around you, go the extra mile to look out for others where you can: check in with your teammates and see how they’re ...

New Roles

2020-06-18T13:17:39-05:00June 19th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Currently, I have two daughters pregnant, which has caused me to be more reflective of when fatherhood was new to me. When I was a first-time father, all I knew about fathering was theoretical and what I had experienced as a son. I didn’t feel qualified to be given such a big responsibility, but at that point, I had no ...

Make Someone’s Day Special

2020-04-06T14:08:11-05:00April 8th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Encouragement from a friend can have a far greater impact than we often realize. This morning a friend from another city randomly sent me a text to say, “I was thinking about you. I greatly appreciate our friendship.” This small but kind act put a smile on my face, joy in my heart and gave me a boost for the ...

An Affirmed Graduate

2019-05-14T09:50:56-05:00May 16th, 2019|Tags: , , |

At my college graduation, the emcee requested that the audience hold their applause until all graduates had walked across the stage. When I crossed the stage, however, I saw my father leap to his feet and yell, “Way to go, Rick!” During my youth, my father wasn’t someone who gave much affirmation, but in that one moment, I knew my ...

Guarding Against Workplace Gossip, Part III

2018-12-05T08:56:06-06:00December 5th, 2018|Tags: , , |

This week we’re discussing four insights the Apostle Paul shares in Ephesians 4:29 that can help guard our tongues against gossip in the workplace. The second insight is Edification. Edification is when we build people up. Recently, a good friend asked me if I knew a Mr. Mills from my CPA days. Mr. Mills had hired me fresh out of ...

Lend a Hand

2018-10-01T16:47:50-05:00October 12th, 2018|Tags: , , |

There comes a point in our career when we’ve been at the job for so long, it’s just second nature to us. We forget what it was like to be the “new guy” or “new girl” on the other side of the conference table.  We forget what it is like to be “green”. The Lord searches the earth looking for ...

Five CEO Myths Part V

2018-08-29T16:03:12-05:00September 14th, 2018|Tags: , , |

In the book, “The CEO Next Door,” the authors did a deep dive on survey data to determine what attributes surfaced for successful CEOs. Their findings debunked several CEO Myths. One myth that the researchers shattered was that “experience trumps all.” Research revealed that first time CEOs were no less likely to meet or exceed expectations than those with prior ...

Four Tips to Effective Meetings Part I

2018-05-31T15:25:36-05:00June 18th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Priya Parker, author of “The Art of Gathering,” shared in a Wall Street Journal article four tips on conducting effective meetings. Let’s explore these tips this week. The first tip is to “Set the Stage.” Ms Parker recommends that giving forethought to a meeting can change the culture of your gatherings. Sometimes it can be as simple as jazzing up ...

In You

2018-05-31T12:43:17-05:00June 8th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Do you think if you could become great like the apostle Paul, you’d have it made? Think again. Paul was a loving, godly man who devoted his life connecting everyone with Jesus. Yet, when Paul appeared in court, none of his friends came to support him. 2 Timothy 4 says, “Demas has deserted me… Alexander the coppersmith did me much ...

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