
Working for the Right Thing

2024-10-12T14:38:11-05:00September 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

Worldwide, 41 percent of workers feel “a lot” of stress during their workday, according to Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workplace.1 Twenty-one percent said they experienced “a lot” of anger, 22 percent said they felt “a lot” of sadness, and 20 percent – one in five – said they felt “a lot” of loneliness.  There’s no doubt work ...

Infecting the Culture

2024-08-31T14:46:30-05:00September 13th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Have you ever changed jobs, suddenly immersed into a new culture? Did you infect it with your values, or did they infect you with theirs? As a teenager, the prophet Daniel was captured and immersed into Babylon’s culture. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel and his friends indoctrinated into Babylon’s ways, so they were placed in a management training program. The king’s ...

Lonely at the Top

2024-08-24T20:21:42-05:00September 10th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A common refrain I hear from many CEOs is that, “it’s lonely at the top.” Business owners often make tough decisions that they’re not comfortable sharing with their team members.  Unless they find a group of peers, or pay for a business coach, many CEOs often end up making decisions in isolation. This can lead to a lack of wise ...

A Cook’s Reward

2024-10-12T14:47:02-05:00September 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |

When a cook in North Carolina was hired by an IHOP restaurant, he informed his boss that he didn’t work on Sundays for religious reasons. This man’s wish was honored until new management took over.   When the cook refused to work on Sunday, his new manager fired him. This cook sued IHOP and he recently received a $40,000 settlement ...

Workplace Discipleship in the Movies

2024-08-24T11:03:34-05:00September 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

The Kendrick Brothers just released their latest movie, The Forge. The Forge is about a mature CEO who chooses to hire a young delinquent provided the delinquent agrees to be mentored twice a week.   Throughout the movie, this young man is mentored in how to be a good employee and leader, while also being discipled towards becoming a godly young ...

Refreshing Your Vision

2024-08-09T12:06:35-05:00July 11th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Some of my most fruitful times have surfaced from vacations. That’s when God often refreshes my vision or gives me creative ideas for the future.  Years ago, while on vacation, God gave me an idea for a book that I would have never attempted to write otherwise. During prayer, I remember thinking, what if I wrote a book about ...

Scientists and Faith

2024-08-09T12:10:37-05:00July 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Many seem to believe that science and religion inherently conflict with each other. A Mind Matters article about Elaine Howard Ecklund’s study of scientists’ attitudes towards religion, however, may help debunk that belief.  Through more than 40,000 surveys, Ecklund found, that at least 30% of scientists declared a religious affiliation. Her study also discovered that two-thirds of United States scientists do ...

British Faith in the Workplace

2024-08-09T12:15:13-05:00July 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

The Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life conducted a recent study, revealing that 40% of British Christians prefer not to disclose their religious beliefs. More specific to the workplace, only 42% of those surveyed view religion in the workplace positively.  The bright spot in this study, however, is the younger generation. Only 30% of the 18- to ...

A Squashed Bible Study

2024-08-09T12:45:16-05:00June 24th, 2024|Tags: , , |

According to the American Center for Law and Justice, an employee of an unnamed hospital in Kansas wanted to start a Bible study over her lunch break. The hospital legal department concluded that a Bible study would not be permitted on hospital premises.   ACLJ informed this hospital that they have violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of ...

International Opportunities

2024-10-12T14:58:52-05:00May 31st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Prior to Covid, large businesses had a competitive advantage over many small businesses by outsourcing work to China or India. Smaller businesses, however, were usually limited in their pool of labor to their local communities.  During Covid, as remote work became more common, the online labor pool expanded. I have friends who have since outsourced marketing functions to the ...

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