1 John 3

Your View of God

2022-12-02T10:53:31-06:00December 20th, 2022|Tags: , , |

One thing that impacts the way you lead in business is your understanding of the love of God. If you fear God, but don’t understand His love, your fear may unconsciously spill over onto employees and customers.   The one thing that has taught me the most about loving God is having grandchildren. As their Papa, I love spending time with ...

Gods View on Competition: Part III

2022-03-02T19:34:50-06:00December 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Early in my ministry, I became jealous of another ministry leader. While his ministry was growing and flourishing, I became critical of his work due to my jealousy. Eventually, I realized that God wanted my best, without being concerned about other people’s successes. I apologized to this leader and chose to focus on my stewardship, not others. Competition can become ...

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